
Toenail .help. ahhh!!!!!!!!!!

by  |  earlier

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so, i was at my friends house and i opened the door to her bathroom on my face, on acccident. so i yanked it away cuz it hurt, but i couldnt cuz lo and behold, my toe was stuck underneith it. now it is totally black and is comming off. and it hurts like h**l. everything i have read says that i should leave it alone and stay off my foot. but i have dance camp for 3 hours every day this week. im on my 3rd day and it is killing me. is there anything else i can do? because i cant go for 4 more days with the pain and i cant miss these classes.

by the way. i have a very high tollorence for pain, so this hurts a lot. im not complaining i just want it to go away. and its been about a week since it happens and the pain has only dulled a little bit.

thanks for your help!




  1. The nail will eventually come off so you're going to have to put up with the pain. About the only thing you can do for now is either ice it or soak it in warm water with Epsom Salt added to it. Extra Strength Tylenol should help the pain some, but if you go to the dance lessons, wear a loser shoe and wrap that toe with  a soft band-aid. Keep soaking it in the Epsom Salt mixture before going to your lessons and at night. Rest the foot as much as possible by just staying off of it. A new nail will eventually replace the old one, but that takes time, sorry you are in so much pain. Wear sandals when you can to keep pressure off that nail like you get with a closed shoe. I wish for you the very best young lady.  

  2. Are you doing pointe, cause that would seriously hurt.

    You have to stop dancing until the toe nail falls off and the pain goes away.

  3. ow. thats happened to me before only on my thumb. well what you should do is wrap it up in multiple bandaids, with antibiotic ointment. stay off of it for a few days, just to make sure its ok. the toenail will fall off eventually. it may fall off even twice. hope you get better

  4. heres what you can do:

    you could go to the doctor maybe they will remove your toenail (but trust me they'll numb it you wont feel it) they'd probably just give you a shot in the toe to numb ur toe and remove the toenail. and wrap it up. but then the numbing medicine goes away it will hurt if you touch it. just like stitches. but it might hurt less then leaving a black toe nail.


    you could just leave it there since the pain dulled. but if you didnt go to doctor id just wrap it up tight so it wont hurt if you bump it.  

  5. i would go 2 the doctor

    Pain like that is not good for you

    do not go to dance class

    get some rest

    hope i helped

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