
Toilet Phone? ?

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Ok So my phone fell into the toilet and my friend told me about sticking my phone in the freezer what is this all about does this work? do i need anything like a bag to put my celly in first to?




  1. UM WHAT?

    thats not going to do anything but mess your phone up more.

    does your phone still work?

    if so, dry it off and let it sit and dry.

    putting it in the freezer will just freeze the water inside and the parts of the phone.

  2. LOL!!!!!!!!!

  3. Buy a new phone

  4. how does freezing your phone help?

    if anything ur just going make even MORE moisture condense inside and totally ruin it permanently

    I would take out the battery and SIM, and just leave it somewhere warm and dry to completely evaporate it

    and then see if it works

    if not u might want to either get a new one or get it fixed

  5. In the freezer, wow!

    I have never tried that before.

    I would not do that. Just take it in for repairs.


  6. I don't know about putting it in the freezer... Cause thats just going to freeze any water thats in there and add more moisture. I would suggest pulling the battery off and putting the phone somewhere that it will get some air flow over it and hope it still works.

    Good Luck

  7. freezer? WTH?


    i've managed to revive a phone thats fallen into the toilet (helps if you have the screwdrivers to open it up)

    pull your phone apart and blow dry it for like a good hour

    worked perfectly fine after that

    wasn't so successful the other few times my mobiles had water damage

  8. are you nuts? don't put it in the freezer!!!! get it out of the toilet and dry it with a towel. take  all the parts out and blow it with the hairdryer

  9. You make it sound like it fell by itself.

    Shouldn't you clean the c**p off of it first?

  10. OMG. listen buy a new one would you hold it next to your ear even if you know that once it fell in the toilet. no matter how much you clean it its still dirty and talk about eww.

  11. If a cellphone falls into water its toast....Replace it or if you had insurance on it get a new one

  12. Firstly, hahahahaha! We've all done it!

    Secondly, I'm no expert, but I suspect that putting the phone in the freezer would be a very bad idea, if there is water on the circuit boards then it will just freeze and then defrost once you take it out. I would take the sim card out and wrap the phone in a towel then put it on a radiator. At least then you still have the same sim card if it all goes wrong.

  13. w o w..

    I don't think that you should be putting a phone in the freezer..

    Do more research before you do that..

  14. warantee donst cover water damange so this is what u do


    take EVERY thing out where the battery is so the cover the battery the memory card the SIM card and lea it out to dry all of it

    than leave it for three dayss

    than take a hair dryier to all of it on cold

    than after that see if it works

    if it doesnt than you have go out and get a new phone

  15. True Story: I dropped mine in water and took the battery out and all that and I swabbed it with a q-tip with alcohol to dry it out and then put it in the oven on REALLY low to dry it all out. It worked...but only for a few days before it went all weird.  

  16. well i don't know about putting in the freezer, look this is Wat i did when mines fell in da pool, i just open it, and put it up outside, to the sun, and also i got a little fan to clean spots where the sun cant reach, and my phone worked just as new,  

  17. ...dont put it in the freezer
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