
Toilet bowl is completely jammed....HEELLPP?

by  |  earlier

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ok, there was a paper towel stuck in my toilet drain. and i have tried almost everything like clorox toilet cleaner,plunging, pouring hot water .. everything ... but its still full of water (the entire bowl is full of water) and it overflows if i flush and it drains after an hour if i plunge. I used drain cleaner by mistakeand thats when the flush water stopped draining.

Waht can I do without calling a plumber? Please help




  1. You have several choices.  You could try some liquid soap.   You could get and use a "toilet auger".  You can try to use a wet/dry vac in the drain or as a last resort remove the toilet and try to remove the blockage from both ends or replace the toilet.  (You already tried a plunger.. but was it one which is shaped for a toilet:  tapered to fit into the drain?)

    First, when all else seems to fail you sometimes can somtimes get a drain to do it's thing by adding some liquid detergent.  Squeeze about about 1/2 a cup into the bowl, swish or wait and then flush.  

    My next choice is to use a "toilet auger".  This is a snake made just for the toilet.  Its central feature is a tube about 3/4" in diameter with a short 90 deg bend at one end.  Out of the straight end is a kind of crank and out of the other is a fairly flexible snake with a small corkscrew at the end.  To start you simply pull the crank end, the snake disappears into the tube.  You put the 90 deg end into the toilet drain and push and crank.  The "auger" works it's way through any blockage and might eithor snag your papertowel or push it through.  If you push it through there is a possibility you can have a problem further down the plumbing line.  You can purchase one for about $30.

    If you have a wet/dry vac you can put that into the bowl, pull out a bowl full and then use something to block the air around the vacuum hose( like a plastic bag) and put the hose down the drain.  You might be able to suck up your problem.  This has the advantage of making sure you will not have any further problems with the offending substance blocking your drain.  (and you can see what it was)  When you are done you can carefully pour the liquid only back in the bowl and dispose of the solids elsewhere.  

    When nothing else works you will have to remove the toilet and work from both ends.  I have only had to go this far once.  A pencil was jammed inside.

  2. plungging it wont help at this time you can go to your local hardware stor to buy a tool is to unclog toilet, it might be some kind of expensive but it works, it has a handle in one end and the bottom has like a snake wire you stick in the toilet and start turning the handle pushing hard so it can unclogged what ever is there.

  3. if it's only a paper towel it will probably clear itself with-in 24 hrs ,if it's cloth or a disposable shop towel you will need to pull it out,you might try straightening out a wire coat hanger and poking around with that ,try to hook it and pull it out rather than push it farther...............tom

  4. You need a tool called a closet auger or "snake" - it's a flexible coiled wire that has a hand crank at one end,  The business end goes into the drain; push in and turn the crank, slowly pulling back a little, then pushing more of the snake into the drain.  The tip will break up clog material and push it into the soil line.

  5. First thing you need to do is take a small bucket or mug and empty the full bowl...just pour the water down the bathtub drain.  You can go to Home Depot and rent a snake but make sure you read up on how to use it.  Another option you have is they make a "balloon" tip that fits on the end of a garden hose.  When you turn on the water, the balloon fills up and blocks the water from coming back into the bowl and uses house water pressure to push the clog through.  Last ditch effort will involve you removing as much water from the bowl as well as all the water from the tank and unbolting the whole thing from the floor, then carry the whole mess outside and clear the clog manually.  If you decide to do this, replace the wax gasket on the floor before you reinstall the toilet or you may wind up with water leaks every time you flush.

  6. real toilet stoppages use an Auger.


    you may have more than just paper towels stuck so i'd go buy the auger.

  7. If you dint want to call a plumber just let it sit for a while. Some times the mess can soften with the water. I have heard of people sticking a coat hanger down there to break it up to. The worst case sin areal is to pull the toilet and deal with the mess.

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