
Toilet flush question?

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I have a toilet,

that if it sits for a long time. then you use it.

the first flush does not take anything down.

then flushing again it will work great.

It does not seem like there is less water in the tank the first time.

any ideas?




  1. Could possibly be a vent problem. Take a flash light up on the roof, find the open roof vent, and look down to see if something crawled inside, or built a nest in there. Good Luck.

  2. Sometimes all you have to do is hold the handle down a little longer than normal, and this should allow it to flush the first time.


  3. my guess is that it doesn't happen every time.

    if i had to guess, there's 2 problems.

    1. there's a very slow leak in the flush valve that lets water flow from the tank into the bowl.  sometimes, if you look really carefully, you can see small ripples in the water in the bowl.

    2. the valve in the water closet (tank) is a bit sticky, so the water has to get really low before it opens up again, and refills the tank.

    the fix is to stop the leak from the closet into the bowl.

    which is much easier to say than do.

    first, look occasionally look into the tank and see if the water level is going down.

    if it is, then you know the problem.

    so why is it going down.

    first, get a new flapper seal.

    not expensive, and easy to do.

    chances are pretty good that'll fix it.

    if it doesn't, then is there something around the bottom of the tank that makes the seal not stick?  

    or, is there a leak somewhere in the overflow pipe that's letting water into the tank?

    or is there a leak somewhere else?

    good luck.  (sorry.)

  4. sounds like a slow leak

  5. You could have an evaporation problem in the bowl. It could also be in the tank as well. Make sure that the water level in the tank is on the designated water level mark. You may have to adjust the float to get the water level right on the line.


  6. You may need a flapper.  Mine was acting a liitle like they put a flapper on.  A flapper controls the water level, after you put it on, you have to adjust for your toilet needs.  (Mine made water running noises too.)

  7. I would think that your tank isn't supplying enough for the flush could be the tank isn't filling up enough. My sister had that problem and we found a plastic spoon stuck in the the trap of the bowl.
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