
Toilet problems, tried everything, what do I do?

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My toilet has had this long habit of not stopping even when the rubber ball thing connected to the rod is all the way up. So to stop it, I have been gently lifting it up and that stops the fill valve thing. tonight however, I lifted the rod too far and a loud clicking noise was heard, and now I can't stop it. I tried to turn off the water valve to the toilet in order to trey and fix the problem, but the water valve won't turn off! I turned it all the way, and nothing. Because of this, I had to turn off the main water line to my house. I tried everything I could, but I couldn't fix it. It appears that I have to replace the washer in there, but I'm still not sure. And what about the water valve? How do I fix that? Will I need to call a plumber? The toilet picked a perfect time to break in the middle of the night....




  1. I'd call in a plumber if I were sounds pretty serious!

    If you carry on trying to mend it, you could cause more damage that good (no offence intended), which might increase your bill a heck of a lot when you finally call in a plumber...which is...not good

  2. replace the valve in the toilet that attaches to the float. as for shutting the water off on newer homes you gotta pull or push the valve on the wall not turn

  3. loud clicking noise is where you pulled it up to far and raised your water level-push valve back down-if everything still leaks-replace with new toilet kit-shut off valve- use pipe wrench to hold main line and wrench to get shut off valve off-replace

  4. URGENT. Go to your fuse box and turn off your hot water heater. I recommend finding a friend who is mechanically inclined to help you replace the toilet shut off valve. Then after the house has water again you can focus on a complete rebuild of the inside of the toilet tank. Most replacement bundles are relatively inexpensive at your local Hardware store probably around twenty dollars.

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