
Toilet training 18 month old?

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my son is 18 months and has just started telling me when he has done poo's, is this a good time to start toilet training?? And how do i start???




  1. Since he's establishing a pattern, why not follow his lead and allow him the joy of accomplishment!

    My daughter had a similar patterning and since she was interested in communicating her experiences, training was easy. Never a fight.

    To simplify life, I bought a great potty chair that was a regular type potty chair and also could be expanded to reach over and on our toilet. So during the day, she would drag the chair in front of TV and watch Sesame Street...lo and behold, things would just happen. (of course that means no diaper much of the time...but what the heck...just watch their faces and sit them down!)

  2. I have an 18 month old that recently starting doing this so I took the initiative to start potty training her. I skipped the whole toddler potty and just bought one of the potty seats that sits right on the big toilet (from the advice of my sis-in-law who has potty trained her 2 boys this way). He will have fun flushing the toilet when he is done. I would reward him also, maybe with stickers? My daughter loves getting her "sticky" after she goes to the bathroom. Make a big deal out of it EVERY time. Let him know how great he is. I am not sure on this one because I have a girl, but I think my sister in law taught her boys to pee sitting down at first, and then when they were a little older and grasped the whole concept, their dad showed them how to do it standing up.

    Good Luck.

  3. yes! my 18 month old girl goes to the potty and says pee pee when she wants to go. get him a little potty and take him in there whenever you go and every so often. actually if you live somewhere where you have a yard, teach him to pee by letting him go out side. they love it

  4. Just a tip, yes he's old enough to start.  Buy him some big boy underware and drive him crazy asking if he needs to go to the bathroom.  Don't use pull ups if you can keep from it, it takes longer to potty train if you do and there are always some setbacks when they figure out it's not any different from a diaper.  Also teach him to sit down to pee at first.  We didn't do this with my son, we let him stand up and he was pee pee trained at 20 months but he was almost 3 before he would sit still on the potty long enough to p**p.

  5. Yes this is your window!!! I've been a nanny for over 15 years. DO NOT PUT HIM IN PULL UPS!!! Please its just another way for the diaper companies to make more money for of you. Pull ups come in handy only when you're in the car for long periods of time. The whole point of potty training is for the child to recognize that if they don't get to the potty on time they will be very uncomfortable. Pull ups are to absorbent. So when he has an accident don't run to change him. Talk to him about what happened, and how uncomfortable it is and how he can avoid feel this way.  Good Luck

  6. Telling you that he has a poopy diaper is not a sign that he is ready to potty train.  It is however a sign that he needs a diaper change.

  7. Yes!!! Go right ahead! He is aware of what he is doing, and now is the best time to direct this action to the potty! Start asking him, "Do you need to go potty?" every so often.  

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