
Tokyo-Kyoto: For Mt.Fuji, where should I sit on Shinkansen Train?

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I'm going to take Shinkansen Hikari train Tokyo-Kyoto and Kyoto-Tokyo.

I heard that you can see Mt.Fuji from this train.

Could you please advice the best seat to get the clear view and when I should get ready? I heard it's easy to miss because of the speed. Thank you.

Can we select/request the seat, when I make the reservation?

Thank you .




  1. Mt. Fuji is north of Shinkansen line.

    Take far right seat for Tokyo-Kyoto.

    Take far left seat for Kyoto-Tokyo.

    >Can we select/request the seat, when I make the reservation?

    I guess so.

  2. Mt. Fuji will be on your right.  

    And although you are going very fast, it's a very big mountain and will be in view for several minutes.  

    Most of the trains have reserved seating.

  3. Try to be seated on the Right side, when you are heading for Kyoto.  I had the same opportunity to take some pictures of Mt. Fuji.  It was great.  There were a few minutes to take pictures until the mountain goes away to the other side of other mountains. You will go through the tunnel, but you can still see the Mt.Fuji after the train comes out from tunnel, so don't put your camera away yet.  I am not sure if you can reserve the seat that way, but it worth a try.  You should definitely ask.  Hope you have a nice ride!

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