
Told 90-95% sure girl...what do you think?

by  |  earlier

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I had an ultrasound done at 20 weeks..

I go again tomorrow for one and ill be 28 weeks.

I'm just curious if i should be concerned about her gender changing???

Any help is greatly appreciated :)

Here's a pic of the U/S




  1. i could never see anything in thoughs pictures, i just took the doctors advice. its not very often they are wrong about the gender, just u only hear about it when they are wrong. and legaly they cant say they are 100% sure of gender. they dont want to get sued

  2. Usually they are right, but i do have 2 friends that were both told that they were having girls (one was told 2 times) and they had boys... i think that is rare though.

  3. probably not. i had the same thing happen and mine was for sure a girl.

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