
Tomas Vokoun looks like Moby??

by  |  earlier

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i just wanted to say that.




  1. You've got a point actually kid.

    Hey while we're making comparasions, is it just me or does Derian Hatcher not look like Big Bird on Sesame Street?

    Where's your sense of humour Trombass .. cuz personally I am having a bad case of PSCS (Post Stanley Cup Syndrome) it's where u wake up in the middle of the night shouting for someone to pass you the puck

  2. lol

  3. Is Hockey Withdrawal Syndrome affecting your life?  Have you had the sudden urge to nail someone into the boards?  Do you try dressing like Don Cherry in the off-season?  Then maybe you should try ******.

    ****** is a prescription medicine used to treat HWS.  This special compound is designed to get you through the summer and into the next hockey season.  Ask your doctor about getting ****** today.

    Warning: ****** may not work for everyone.  Side-effects include dizzyness, irritability, mild nausea, and urges to hit someone into the wall and dress like Don Cherry.  Side-effects only last for four months.  If any of these continue after four months, stop taking ****** and watch some hockey.

    ******, cause we can all get through Hockey Withdrawal Syndrome together.

  4. Wow, you don't even provide links for us. :b

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