
Tomato Pie Recipe?

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I am searching online for a recipe similar to the tomato pie I have eaten growing up in the suburbs of Philly.

The pies are square, with red tomatoes, did NOT contain mayo or heavy cheese, but was served cold and had a distinct sweet flavor, with herbs.

I know there are several varieties of what people consider "authentic tomato pie" and I am trying to find a recipe that isn't heavy, something that goes well with a fresh green salad.





  1. Hmm...well where I come from (Utica, NY), Tomato Pie is a staple at every party that has food. It is almost like pizza, only there is no soft cheese on it. It's the crust, sauce on top (usually a sweet-ish tomato sauce, and grated parmesan or other hard cheese on top. One time I made it with some provolone underneath the sauce and it was awesome. And you can always add herbs or whatever to the sauce or on top at the end of baking.

    I did a search for tomato pie recipes one time and almost all of them came up as a "pie" type of pie, with lots of mayo. Ew.

    Hope this helped. Good luck with the pie!

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