
Tomato help??

by Guest34508  |  earlier

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do tomatos keep better in or out of the fridge??




  1. tthay stay better in the fridge thay go

    rotten out of the fridge and all mushy

  2. Definitely out (for fresh ones);-} only in the frig when cooked.

    If they're getting too ripe, too fast, I wash, quarter, & freeze.

  3. in

  4. NEVER put tomatoes in the fridge.

  5. In the fridge.

  6. In the fridge

  7. both in and out will spoil ya tomatoes.............just preserve ya tomatoes in CHICKEN stock...............

  8. Tomatos you keep in the fridge, apples you keep out.

  9. I have always heard that tomatoes should be stored outside of the fridge...which sucks cuz I like cold tomatoes.  I have always kept my tomatoes in the fridge and never had a spoiling problem.  I think you leave them out to ripen and I would think, logically, that you'd put them in the fridge when they were as ripe as you want; I don't understand the logic of not putting them in there.  Anyway, oranges go in the fridge.

  10. I think Tomatoes taste better when they are not refrigerated but I guess it depends on where you live.  If you can leave them out, store them in a cool, dry place, upside down (stem down) I believe that this is best and I've done them both ways long ago to see how they tasted.  I went from living up North to very far South so all of my old food habits changed dramatically.  Now that I am back home in Ohio, I only refrigerate my tomatoes when they are starting to over ripen on the counter and then use them in a cooking application or I freeze them. As for the Oranges, I like them cold myself, but I think the natural sweetness would be best enhanced at room temperature.  I hope I've helped you out today, have a great weekend!

  11. Ideally tomatoes should never be refrigerated as the cold takes away flavor.

  12. I guess that sort of depends where you live.  If you live in a hot place, probably better in the fridge.  I live in a cold climate, so my tomatoes and oranges are just left in a bowl in the kitchen and they last for ages.

  13. I grow tomatoes, and I have to say, keep them on the counter!  They will stay freshest longest if you rest them on their stem-end (upside down).  

    When I get tomatoes at the store, I always buy a couple that are perfectly ripe and a couple that could use a couple of days.  Set upside down on the counter, they'll continue to ripen and be delicious.

    EDIT:  Oranges should be kept out.  A good guideline is to see how they are kept at the grocery.  If they're out in bins and not refrigerated, that's how you should have them at home.  Anything in the fridge or under the sprayer should go in *your* fridge.  :)

    Good luck!

  14. I heard different views on this one, but personally I think once they are ripe they belong in the fridge.

    I like oaranges in the fridge too.

    As a few have mentioned, it depends on where you live. Most of the year I really don't have a cold dry place, outside the fridge, to keep produce.

  15. Store fresh ripe tomatoes in a cool, dark place, stem-side down, and use within a few days.

    Refrigeration is the enemy of the tomato as it nullifies flavor and turns the flesh mealy. The culprit is a compound called Z-3 hexenel, which accounts for the tomato's scent and taste. The development process which turns tomato's linolenic acid to the Z-3 that makes our mouth and nose sing is hindered by cold. If you must refrigerate a tomato, take it out about an hour before using it to let it return to room temperature to revive any lurking Z-3.
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