
Tomato plant growing?

by Guest62820  |  earlier

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i have a tomato plant that has grown large. there are yellow flowers but i dont see any tomatoes growing. how long will it take until i see something?




  1. Tomatoes will get what is called "blossom drop" after the temperatures reach 80 degrees f steadily...some will fruit but most will fall off..this is not a disease and once the temperatures drop down to the 70's at night. they will again start producing...

  2. Once you see the flowers, they will turn into the tomatoes within a few days.

    Mine grew the same way, big and tall, then all of a sudden the flowers came & soon after the tiny tomatoes.

  3. First thing in the morning and again in the evening spray tap water over the plants to create humidity, then tap the yellow flower 'trusses' to dislodge and spread the pollen.

    By doing this each day you will get a better pollination rate and a better crop of  tomatoes
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