
Tomato plants and bugs

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Connecticut: Have really great tomato plants and nice tomatoes, however they keep getting little holes on the bottom that look like worm holes. They are like mush when you cut them open. I have tried garlic and flour. I am looking for a home remedy inexpensive and do not want to use pesticides. Please help, my first big garden.




  1. Try Mothballs at the base of the plant.

  2. Mix 1 tablespoon of crushed red pepper with 1 cup of liquid soap into a gallon of water and spray the plants early morning and late in the evening. It will keep worms and most other insects off of most garden plants. Good deal wanting to stay away from pesticides, sevens dust and others will kill any honeybees in the area and we need all that we can get for pollination. Good luck with your plants.

  3. I did have the same problem in my garden. You can try ash on the tomato plant. Some insects do get away if you put ash on thme or their leaves. Best solution is no dought the insecticide.

  4. I love to garden. And I always use Sevin-5 power on all my plants. I feel this maybe not the answer your looking for, but tomatoes has a worm that eating them. I don't think you'll find a home remedy to fix it.

    I really hope you do, cause I would like to know.

    Good luck to you.
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