
Tomato seeds?

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I have a garden full of tomatoes and I want to start 1 plant now for winter tomatoes. Can I use seeds from any of my green tomatoes? Finding seeds is very hard this time of year.




  1. i'm not sure, but i think so.

  2. Take a cutting off the top of your plant and stick it. Use root hormone it will grow for your fall. Do one and it will die do twenty and they will all live. They will root quite easy. You may want to put them in pots where you can keep them out of direct hot sun till you are ready to plant.

    Just checking back if you take the seeds from a green tomato it may not germinate the seed will not be mature.

    Try the cuttings you will be way ahead.

  3. Wait till the tomato ripens then extract the seeds from the fruit.  Its kinda messy but you need to take the tomato and squeeze it into a glass jar and really mash it up really good.  Then place in an out of the way place you may want to cover it for you want to let the tomato mashing ferment until there is mold on top.  Then remove mold and begin to strain contents, this takes a little time but keep mixing water with the mixture till its clear.  Then remove all the seeds on the bottom not the floaters on a paper plate and spread out to allow to dry.  Then place in envelope till ready to plant.  Heres a link that might help   Good luck

  4. Throw some seeds in an envelope and let them dry and mark what they are and plant when you are ready.
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