
Tomato wilt?

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My neighbors tomatoes wilt duing the day time, but by morning they are back to normal! Mine r 100' away, and are doing fine!




  1. Your tomato wilt can be one of two things, under watering or Verticillium Wilt. Your best bet is to water in the morning hours as well as the evening hours, because watering in the hot afternoon sun really does no good because the water evaporates faster than the plant can absorb t to it's benefit, also water on the leaves can cause scorching because the heat of the sun is drawn to the water which is pooling on the leaves. Verticillium Wilt name can be misleading, as sometimes the leaves will turn yellow, dry up and never appear to wilt. Verticillium wilt is caused by a soil-borne fungus and it can affect many different vegetables. The fungus can persist in the soil for many years, so crop rotation and selection of resistant varieties is crucial. Symptoms include: wilting during the hottest part of the day and recovering at night and early morning, yellowing and eventually browning between the leaf veins starting with the older, lower leaves and discoloration inside the stems. Verticillium Wilt inhibits the plants ability to take in water and nutrients and will eventually kill the plant. Verticillium wilt is more pronounced in cool weather. Management: Remove affected plants and choose resistant varieties.

  2. It all has to do with watering.

    You are watering just fine

    It sounds like your neighbor needs to step up the watering in the day time.

    If you are in the summer time the heat will evaporate the water faster hence water more often.

    I water early in the morning about 5am for 10 minutes and again about 3pm for 4 minutes.  My tomatoes are HUGE and abundant.

    It helps to mulch the plant with about 4 inches of mulch to hold in moisture.  Mulch it as wide as the plant.

  3. They are wilting because they are lacking enough water.

  4. maybe your soil is better. maybe yours get a little better light or more water?
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