
Tomatoes look weird/Chili plant problem with pics! ?

by Guest59271  |  earlier

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This is the first year that I have planted a garden in my backyard, and I am noticing some things that seem odd. When I first bought my vegetable plants, I bought 1 tomato plant that was alone in a container and a 6 pack of "Brandywine Heirloom Tomatoes" The one I bought alone has great looking tomatoes, but the ones that came in a group of six, look kind of like long pear shaped, they look completely healthy but are shaped kind of weird, I have searched online but have not found any photos of similar looking tomatoes. I searched for brandywine heirloom tomatoes and those look very different. maybe these will get fatter later?? any suggestions?

I have 2 chili plants that are planted in the same big pot, but one of them has yellow chilis, while the other one has the normal green chilis, they are both in the sa,e pot.. pic below.. any ideas of why?

Normal Looking Tomatoes:

Normal Cherry Tomatoes:

Weird Looking Tomatoes:

Red Chili plant problem:




  1. Your plants look like they are in Excellent Shape. Pretty Tomato's.

    Good Job !!

  2. your tomatoes are fine, they are plum tomatoes,we get them in canada,and they are sweet,and nice,treat them like any other tomatoes,..the peppers are normal to,you worry too much,only the light color ones sometimes are very hot more that usual, but it is fine,stop the worrying  and enjoy your healthy, beautiful garden,cause thats what it looks like..planting is great,and it is nice to see different types,like what you are getting..  

  3. The "weird tomato" is a Pear tomato, or possibly a Roma - though they look a little small for Romas.

    The "weird pepper" looks like Thai chilis.  The upright habit is perfectly normal.  Eventually they should turn bright red.

  4. im not sure about the kind of tomato that your growing bit i will tell you this, they are not going to get round by far. they are going to stay that same shape. next time keep the little stick with the pic of your plant  and the breed at the base of them while growng the to distinguish what they are supposed to look like. i thought my bell peppers were going to be fat until they started getting longer, then i looked at the little stick and the pic of them looked like what i am growing. they kind of look like your tomatos.but whatever they are they sure look healthy so you dong it right. peace

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