
Tomboyism Information?

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I notice when I do research on the social phonomenon of Tomboys, the most of the search results go towards Lesbianism.

I notice that there are simularities, but I feel that is two completely different subjects. Tomboy being part of personality indivisualism and homosexuality being part of sexual oriantation.

(I do not have anything agenst people who are homosexual, I respect them. I'm just trying to make a point that the study of Tomboys seems to always be about the other subject)

I was wondering if there are sites or sources of information either written articles or short films on the study of the personality of Tomboys or anything simulair to that?

And again, no offense to anyone. It seems like each time that I post a question on Tomboy study, I always get answers like "Why do you wanna know" or "Respect my indivisualism" and stuff like that. I'm only curious in the terms of Social science study. I hope that's okay.




  1. Social engineering.

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