
Tommy Hearns vs. Margarito?

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at 147 - I know I'm about to be assaulted by the Hearns fan-club, but really consider Margarito's chin and work rate. I think Hearns is one of the greatest welterweights ever - but Margarito is one of the scariest dudes I've ever seen at 147 - reminds me of a bit of welter Hagler.

I think it would have been a dream matchup.




  1. Tommy Hearns will win.

  2. I understand where you are coming from,but take it from me....Hearns was no ordinary man and even the toughest chin can break,Margarito has a tendency to trade punches and that might have worked against people like Cintron,but Hearns was a completely different story, first of all hearns had the power to damage even the toughest light heavy weights and margarito fights his best at that weight Hearns's right jab was deadly and if margarito tried to trade punches with him he would have been brutally knocked out moreover Hearns was not only stronger, he was faster and more skilled than margarito and had a longer reach.....margarito's only hope would be to get a cleacn shot at Hearns's shaky chin....but margarito would not be able to do that without running the risk of getting hit first.

  3. Margarito has a granite chin, the only problem is Hearns had a sledge hammer right hand, and granite splits when hit with a sledge hammer.  Margarito is great when his opponent stands slugs with him, Cintron was a relatively stationary slugger.  Hearns was a slugger who could box with the best of them.  He had a brilliant jab, and hand and foot speed that far surpassed any of today's welterweights and a reach advantage over middleweights let alone welterweights.  At 5'11' Margarito is a big welterweight, Hearns was 6'2'' and was out boxing Ray Leonard until Angelo lit a fire under Ray.  If Margarito clashed chins with Hearns, Antonio would knock the Hit Man out.  But putting Margarito's chin up against Hearns's right hand is another story all together.

    Eventually, Hearns would KO Margarito, if Margarito has a flaw, it's that he is too brave, and few if any in history at 147 could have lasted trading with Thomas Hearns.

    Sorry bro, Hearns takes this one early by KO.

  4. margarito isn't scary.hearns was scary.he knocked people out of there shoes.he was amazing

  5. There is a BIG difference between getting hit by Kermit Cintron & getting hit by Tommy Hearns.......  Margarito didnt scare Paul Williams.

  6. i dont know much about hearns, i dont know if he had a great chin or if he could take the pressure margarito would give. i just know that margarito would give him  a tough ****** fight

  7. hearns in his prime would beat him.


  8. Margarito is a solid fighter but he has not fought enough quality opponents to compare him to The Hitman.

  9. HATER!

    Why do you hate on B-Hop? B-Hop is proving. It doesn't matter how you win in BOXING (fighting) as long as you win. You talk about B-Hop's KO ratio like it's horrible. Well I think B-Hop's KO ratio is fair and it's better then Mayweather's (once I seen you jocking Mayweather. Hmm That's hypocritical too.).

    Honestly, I could watch B-Hop and see how he'll beat Joy Jones, Hagler, Mayweather, & ETC. When B-Hop fought Jones, B-Hop was green (inexperienced) at the time. If B-Hop fought Jones around the time he fought Trinidad then I see B-Hop winning.

    Here is another example:

    Why did B-Hop KO Glen Johnson but Glen Johnson KO'd Roy Jones Jr?

    Why did B-Hop embarrassed Antonio Tarver and Antonio Tarver KO'd the invincible Roy Jones? Including beating Jones by decision as well?

    Why did B-Hop KO Felix Trinidad at Trinidad's prime and Roy Jones couldn't KO a past his prime Trinidad?

    Why is it that B-Hop NEVER been KO'd but Roy Jones have been KO'd twice?

    That is proof that B-Hop is the better fighter. B-Hop could fight against any style and Roy Jones CAN'T!

    BTW, if a fighter lose to another one, that doesn't mean that the fighter who lost is the lesser fighter. Fighters are humans and it could be any reason why one lost to the other. Example: Glen Johnson KO'd Jones but would you go around saying that Johnson is the better fighter because of it? Douglas KO'd Tyson (in Tyson's prime) but will Douglas go down as a better fighter then Tyson? No to both! Since fighters are humans they could lose because of numerous reasons. It could be because someone was inexperienced, luck, just wasn't they day, illness, a bad style matchup, & etc. So the only way you could tell who's the better fighter is looking at their resume and B-Hop's resume is far more impressive then Jone's.

    B-Hop > Roy Jones


    Edit: Could anyone say checkmate? That's what I thought. The only thing you can come up with is that B-Hop is past forty. Lol That's lame as well as your other debates. You may think it's funny but was it funny when the 45 year old Foreman became CHAMP because he still had it in him to KO a 20+ year old Moore who just defeated Holyfield? Or a 36 year old B-Hop that DESTROYED a 20+ year old Trinidad. Since someone is in their 40's doesn't mean they can't fight. BTW, remember Michael Jordan having 40 points games at age 40?

    2 EZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Hello To All


    I Go For Hearns

    Tally Ho You Peoples

    Les You Rock

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