
Tommy the musical?

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I need details on tommy the musical, I think my camp might be doing this summer, and i like to be well informed, before i go into an audition. So i have some questions I am hoping you might be able to answer. thanks so much!

what is the story line?

who are the main charecters? (more focus on girls)

what songs do the main charecters sing?

how is the chorus for the show?

I've already done some Wickapedia research, and things like that, so i'd really appreciate it if you didn't just copy and paste. thanks so much!




  1. All I know that it was a good musical movie . Sorry ..

  2. You've already done the research.  The Who rules!

  3. If you have VH1 classics Tommy is shown about 5 times a week watch for it.

    Was a great movie

  4. I did Tommy several years ago. It's a very fun show for pretty much everyone involved, from the leads down to the chorus.

    You can watch the movie if you like, but it's honestly not a very good representation of the show; they changed a lot around, mostly to make the Mrs. Walker character bigger so the movie could serve as a star vehicle for Ann Margaret, and they sorta merged Captain Walker and Uncle Ernie in a way that has really unfortunate implications if you're familiar with the stage show. Oh, and the movie tries to use pork and beans into a metaphor for consumerism, complete with a scene where Ann Margaret rolls around in a vat of the stuff while wearing a nice white evening gown. It's pretty bizarre.

    The basic outline of the plot is here:  It's long and complicated, so I'm not going to type the whole thing out, but in a nutshell it's about a boy who is emotionally and physically traumatized into becoming deaf dumb and blind when he is four years old. When he's miraculously cured as an adult, he becomes a media superstar and people start following him around like Jesus, believing he has the secret to enlightenment. When he eventually makes it clear that he has no such secret, his followers reject him and he retreats to his withdrawn state. Keep in mind, that's a VERY watered-down description of the story, and there's a lot more to it (pinball machines, child molesters, drug-pushing hookers, a big Altamonte homage, etc). Go read the full synopsis at that site.

    The bigger female roles are Mrs. Walker (Tommy's mother), and Sally Simpson (one of the followers) . The Gypsy Acid Queen only has one scene, but it's very flashy and memorable (Tina Turner plays her in the movie). There's also a LOT of smaller incidental roles with solos and such, many of which could realistically be played by men or women. Most of the big songs are sung by Tommy himself, though Mrs. Walker has the "Smash the Mirror" scene and "I Believe My Own Eyes," a duet with Captain Walker, Tommy's Father. Sally Simpson doesn't show up until around midway through the second act, and she doesn't have an entire song to herself, but the role is still very cool and fun for a young belter (Sherie Rene Scott made her Broadway debut in the role).

    It's a very fun show, with lots of moments for the entire cast to shine. The chorus has a lot to do, especially if they go all out and make it a dance show. You should have a blast doing it!

  5. Rent the movie????

  6. Good idea:  go to and research it.

    To be honest, it's a frightening movie...I saw it.  Yikes.

    (Time passes really awkwardly in the musical, by the way)

    Seriously though, this website does an excellent job with a synopsis:

    The main characters's not so good.  The lead girl is mostly his mother.  The only other 'big' girl part is The Acid Queen, who has ONE song...oh, and there's a girl named Sally but she appears for like, 6 seconds until she disappears.

    The chorus?  Well, I think it's decent.  It's not too huge but it isn't too small...(not helpful, sorry).

    The website explains it the best.

    Good luck in auditioning!

  7. Pinball Wizard... sure plays a mean pinball!!

    I'm sure you've heard the Elton John song...

    Don't have too many specifics off the top of my head but it should have a pretty decent chorus as well as at least one or two lead female characters.

    Best of luck!
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