
Tomorow im going skiing with a group an dim a begginer but they are taking us down very steep slopes?

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well they look steep i have only skiied 2 times in my life and i was wondering if anyone had any tips or advice i have read alot of google but if anyone can give me some help!! anything about controll or turning or anyything at all! thankyou very very much!




  1. My tip would be unless you want to risk getting seriously injured or at the very least frustrated and left out, you need to stay on the beginner slopes until you are ready.

    Either convince some of the group to stay with you, or take a class while they are doing the steep stuff and try to rejoin them later.  It's not worth it.

    Many of the trails have forks with both an easier and a steeper choice that meet at the bottom.  You might be able to stay with them by taking the less steep fork and getting them to meet you at the bottom of each set of trails.  If they are speed-demon daredevils though, you are much better off to let them risk breaking their necks on their own and taking the mountain at your own pace.

    The trick to turning is in shifting your weight from one leg to the other--the direction of the downhill leg will determine which way you will go--but this is a skill that takes practice to "feel" and needs to be perfected on less steep slopes first.

    Basically, french fries (parallel skis) means go, and pizza (snowplow wedge skis) means slow down or stop, but the steeper the slope the harder it will be to make the wedge work.

    Good luck!

  2. The best thing is that you don't go faster then you are capable.  If you are still on the snowblow stage then you shouldn't do it.  Otherwise, just keep on turning to slow yourself down and if you have to use the whole width of the run then do it.

  3. Most ski places have an instructor for beginners. It takes about an hour of instruction and is well worth it. Stay away from the steep slopes until you feel comfortable on the learner slopes.

  4. With a you mean a group lesson or a group of friends?

    If it's a group lesson, then chances are the head instructor knows exactly what he or she is doing.  Trust them.  One of the best benefits of taking a group lesson is that the one in charge will push you to try new slopes and types of terrain that you previously thought was impossible to you.  Don't be afraid to move out of your comfort zone--if you're not falling, you're not learning.  Don't let yourself get too nervous; just relax and take it at your own pace.  Skiing is one of the most widely enjoyed sports worldwide--you won't experience the full effect unless you challenge yourself.

    If it's you with your friends, disregard what I just said.  Your friends will probably push you in negative ways, to try terrain that neither you nor they are prepared for.  Take it easy--it's not bad to be the cautious one in a group of wild and crazy one-time skiers.  Don't let them persuade you into trying something you feel uncomfortable with.  Unlike the experienced instructor, your friends do not know your own limits--and may very well be unaware of their own.  

    Have fun, be safe, and good luck!

  5. Don't do it!!! Not until you feel comfortable with steep slopes. Tell the truth and say I am not comfortable with steep slopes right now.  Its ok. ..better b safe than sorry.

  6. I am assuming that the people that you are going with know your experience if they don't make sure that they know this before you go down any hill with them!   This could be VERY dangerous, you lack the skills needed to do any steep slopes at this time.   Remember reading how to do it and doing it are 2 VERY different things.

  7. When you want to slow down form a pizza.

    When you want to go fast form french fries.

    pizza, french fries.

  8. you better tell someone that you are a beginner before you get seriously injured.

    you can't learn to ski by reading about it. sorry.

    most slopes have a very steep section, and right beside that, they have a not so steep section.  you need to tell someone, no kidding, that you are NOT a skier.

    Trying to tackle a black diamond slope, when you are a green slope skier is a good way to break many bones.

    most beginners use a "snowplow" techique, where the tips of the skis point towards each other in a triangle shape. This slows the speed down and makes turning a bit easier. Most advanced skiers use a technique where the skis are held wide apart, but parallel. The best skiers ski with the skis very close together, in a parallel formation. This requires a great deal of strength and experience.

    If you feel that you are losing control at any time. Simply sit down . You will wipe out on your bum, much better than your head!!

    You will not be able to snowplow on a very steep slope. As soon as you start, you will be headed out of control. Remember, if you feel like you are out of control, SIT Down!!

    It wll seem scary at first, but better than panicing and slamming into  a pole or tree.

  9. It sounds like you are getting good advice hear on the physical aspects of skiing but let me say something about the mental aspects. It is often very disturbing to look down the slope and feel like it is as steep as the wall in your parlour. Get a little way down the slope and then look back up the slope. It will seem much less steep than it looked like at the top looking down.

    Rule of thumb: A slope looks twice as steep looking down it as it will when looking up slope.

  10. Hello? Don't go down the steep hills!  (Common sense knocking here.) You're the one paying the price (fractures, or worse?) Friends should be understanding and supportive during this learning time for you! They can ski the steep slopes and meet you intermitantly at various locations near ski lifts or in the lodge. In the meantime, practice on the more friendly slopes! Be prideful in your self-preservation!

  11. stick to the bunny slopes till you get full command of the ski's and manuevering....

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