
Tomorow is summer vacation?

by Guest57130  |  earlier

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what should i do during summer vacation




  1. Go to some parties and I don't mean the ones were you get drunk or do bad things I mean like a good party with your buddies. See movies, go swimming, go to the park, oh geez I haven't many ideas I am going to be beat by the end of summer lol.


  2. go to amusement parks, like kennywood, six flags, bush gardens, cedar point

    go to the beach like myrtle beach, daytona beach

    ride motorcycles or go for a horseback ride.

    relax, and swim its summer time for relax and no school

  3. One day a week - get together with your friends and visit the elderly at a nursing home.  Not only will you be surprised at what you can learn from them you will make them very happy.  Another plus is that it is a good thing to have on your college applications or work resume - volunteer.

    You have 6 other days in the week to do the fun stuff and it will only take a couple of hours out of your day.  Call ahead and ask if the recreation director needs help with crafts, games or whatever she is planning to do with the residents.

    As for the rest of your time, if you are near a beach or lake you could go swimming - invest in a volleyball net and have your friends over for lunch & bat the ball around - anykind of ball can be any sport you like.  

    You can get a craft book and try some projects - personal favorites are decopage and stamping but you can organize all your pictures and each make a scrapbook of the past or make sure you have a camera with you and take pictures of you and your friends to make a scrapbook of the summer so whatever you decide to do - you can have a visual to bring you back.  

    I know some guys may not be into that but hey - I'm a girl - whaddya want from me :)

  4. Read Books.  Go to the library and get some books out on something you have wanted to do and learn a new skill (ex. painting, knitting, cooking, woodworking)

    Go for bike rides, get outdoors and have fun.  Get a group of friends together and plan some adventures.  Camp out in someones yard and order pizza and talk all night.  

    You can also do some volunteering.  Get some friends and pick up litter along a road or in a park.  Help a senior citizen with their yardwork.  When you do work with a group, it turns into fun.

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