
Tomorrow, school starts...?

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I'm going into seventh grade, yes I know some people from last year in elementary. But, not very well. How do I make friends? Is it hard? I clearly forgot how I made friends last year. I'm afraid I might be a loner. Please, If you can help, PLEASE.


Thanks in advanced.




  1. Don't pretend to be someone you're not.  

  2. It's easy to make friends, just talk to the people that you sit next to.  At first you talk to them about the class and help with the work, but then after a while, you get comfortable and you become friends who joke around in class and have fun outside of class.  You look like you would make cool friends.  Just be yourself, I know it sounds corny.  Good luck and have fun.

  3. just be nice.

    sarcasm may seem fun but its not how to go about.

    i dont have very many friends but thats cuz im a "druggie"

    but just be nice,laugh at peoples jokes and relax,your not the only nervous one.


  4. oo dude that sucks i still have about a month left of summa (:

  5. ah, so young.

    Don't worry. If you made friends just being yourself in elementary then you'll be fine. just be yourself. People will come and before you know it youll have swarms of new friends and old alike.

    And i guess you'll begin to start switching classes for the first time too, huh?

    Dont you worry. youll do fine.

  6. be yourself it's not hard.

  7. dont look to be friends with somone. but be nice when people talk to you.

  8. If you still remember some people you know. Just stop by and say hi or something.Making friends is not hard.

    Play it cool like can I sit here. Or laugh along with their jokes or something.

    But just don't be something your not,like pretending to be a snotty rich kid.Um, no one cares! There's a lot of people in the world who are poor.And I don't see them laughing.Sorry, I was just kinda sad.

    Just be yourself(:

    People will like you for who you really are.

  9. Just go with the flow.


    I remember 7th grade! Have fun

  10. just say "whats up?", alot. If that doesn't work, who cares by high school you will have new friends anyway.

  11. well mostly evry one  has a hard time making new friends on the first of skool

    im starting my junior year n 3 weeks

    well all i can tell you is just dnt b shy talk to new people youd b surprised how many peeps you meet through the new friends you could make... just b friendly n who evr u sit next to in ur classes try to speak to them =) good luck n ur first day of junior high

    n try not to mest up... trust me on that one.. make good friends

  12. just introduce ur self to them and you'll eventually make friend

    i started 12th grade to days ago

  13. um dont lie 2 a lot of ppl about who u r one or 2 ppl is ok

    dont b the teachers pet (ppl will NOT like u)

  14. Just be yourself and you'll see that everything will be fine! =D

  15. Girl just be yourself and don't be plastic. And by the way you are not kidding any one with this question. You can handle yourself. Oh by the way the other picture of yourself is allot better than this one, this is the third picture of yourself in this last week. I mean the 2ND picture you had. And girl where did you get thous glasses, you look like super fly, or a Calif. Highway Patrolman what ever you like, take you pick.

  16. just be outgoing with them boys and girls but dont get caught up in drama i did that in 7th grade not a good idea but my ex friend would srart it though

    hope this helps

    p.s. e-mail if you have other questions


  17. I don't suppose that there are any types of rules to make friends. I suggest you be yourself, but at the same time, make sure that you stay kind and polite with others. Display qualities in yourself that you personally would like in a friend, such as being understanding. You'll have friends in no time. Don't forget to be who YOU are! Good luck!

  18. What school do you go to i think ive seen u before?

  19. Just have nuttin to worry will eventually make friends in me you wont be a loner...there are lots more ppl in middle school to meet

  20. Just be yourself

    And talk to people

    Good luck <3

  21. Here is what I wrote on another question like yours:

    Everyone is as nervous as you are. I would bet a million dollars that not one person feels totally confident of themselves.

    Knowing that, I would be nice and talk to the people you want to be friends with, ask them about themselves, tell them about yourself; figure out what you have in common. People are only friends with people who share the same wants, problems and backgrounds. You will definitely make new friends because you will always find a person who is like you, interested in the same things and experiencing the same problems. If you think of your past friends, think about how much you have in common with them, imagine if you had nothing in common with them, then it wouldn't work no matter how much you wanted to be friends with them!

  22. I know, I had the same problem too but this year i'm starting high school so you're lucky that you have a smaller world.

    Making friends is not that hard.

    - Introduce yourself to other 7th Graders,

    - Be Nice...don't be so hard on any other students.

    - Be yourself. Don't fit in a group that is really not your thing to do. (Like drugs, s*x, bullying, etc.)

    - Most of all, have fun! After your first day of school, go hang party with your friends from last year, buy a milkshake, throw party! Trust me, middle school is fun! I've been there, now i've graduated i'm starting a bigger world in H.S.!

    *Here's a tip, 7th grade is easy! But be careful, do all your H.W and C.W, study hard, and stay out of trouble because until you hit 8th grade, you're going to applying for high schools and you need the grade to get in.

    Good Luck in M.S!  

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