
Tomorrow I take my baby to the dr for his 2 month shots?

by  |  earlier

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and wondering if she will recommend me to feed him 4 oz now? he just started eating 4 oz yesterday. I was giving him 2 oz since birth and tends to cry after his feeding of 2 oz




  1. I have a 2 month old as well and he is already eating 6oz. You let your baby tell you how much he needs. I bet once you start giving him 4 oz he will seem much happier.

  2. you don't need the doctor to tell you how much to feed your son.  If he is hungry, let him eat.  There is no problem w/ a 2 month old eating 4 oz.

  3. my baby was born on 6-17 and eats 4ozs most of the time now. you dont have to wait for doc to ok it.  

  4. Everyone else hit the nail on the head! Let your little one be your guide. He will let you know how much he needs. 4 oz. for a 2 month old seems perfectly fine to me. When my son was 2 months old I believe he was taking about 4 1/2 - 5 ounces

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