
Tomorrow is Hungry ghost festival will u celebrate or will u go out at that night ?

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Tomorrow is Hungry ghost festival will u celebrate or will u go out at that night ?




  1. how to celebrate tell me?

    Are we gonna be one of them when we're hungry 2moro?

  2. Ghost festival isn't that scary if compared to the criminals, drug addicts, gangster, politikus and police. You can be bombed into pieces just like the Mongolian beauty.

  3. I think all of us just live as normal life.  

  4. i only celebrate that festival once i become a ghost

  5. Maybe I wanna go out and see some 'brothers'

  6. ^


    hubby is gonna have a late + busy work schedule..

    and im stuck at home...

    will you go out at night, man?

    i tag along can?


  7. im not coz none of that in my religion but my friend do so i respect what they have. i hv plant btech class tmmrw so i will go out.  

  8. Nop,I'll just stay at home.

  9. It's just another day..

  10. i will look for ghost that could give me lottery number  

  11. Life will be the usual rat race....the ghosts can do their own things...

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