
Tomorrow is blackout day! Will you do your bit for global warming?

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Tomorrow, Saturday the 14th of April 2007 is blackout day. We are being asked to turn off all electrical appliances for three hours to help slow down global warming.




  1. Even if the overall energy savings are minute, I think it is a good thing to do.  It is a statement, more than anything, that we do care and that we are willing to try.  I hope my town will do something like this as well.

  2. Unfortunately I will not be taking part in this "blackout". I think I will just wait for a real one to happen

  3. I didn't know that! I'll try... but I'm travelling tomorrow, I don't know if spending three hours on a train counts... aaah, no, I don't think I can do it at home... but I will try to persuade my friend when I get to her house. We could turn everything off, and then go to town- I'll try it!

    Cheers for the info!

  4. No,i do my bit all the time...I never leave anything on stand-by and never leave anything on i'm not using..Taught my family to do the same...I compost and recycle everything possible so why would i want to take part in "blackout day" ?

  5. yeah but what about all the eco-nerds that have to chat online about how much of a sucess the blackout is as its happening.  anyway i'm a narcoleptic i have enough problems with blackouts as it is.

  6. global warming is a tax generating con. when noah needed the ark there were no jumbo jets or 4x4 jeeps around. look at all the climate changes in the past in the past few thousand years .what about the ice age ,how did we cause that?.

  7. Hope you plan on wearing your coat because its supposed to be really cold saturday all across the country (and globe).

    As far as slowing down global warming, I think the current solar sunspot cycle minimum that is currently happening is doing far more to reduce global warming than anything we could ever do here on earth.

  8. sure.  but remember than anything with a remote control or an internal clock will 'run' even after switched off.  these need to be unplugged.  hot water heaters too.  shutting down a refrigerator or freezer will most likely cause food spoilage if its only for 3 hours.

  9. I totally support slowing down global warming by saving energy, but I have a concern: If there are set times to turn off the electricity (I could not find the exact information  on the page), and then a set time to turn it on, there will be a peak consumption when everybody turns the lights on. Those peaks consume more energy than the steady consumption during the day.

    Why not committing to turn off appliances during the day, not just at a given hour?

    And of course, save energy every day!

  10. That is so foolish! You should study the effects that solar winds have on our weather. One could yield more crops with extra CO2. Feeding the starving is a better use of my time. Have fun in the dark!

  11. Guess what ! The generators will turn at the same speed and burn the same amount of coal or oil and the electricity just won't get used..  It will do nothing. If you want to slow down global warming, turn down the thermostat on the sun. It's output has increased .2% in the last 40 years and Mars and Pluto are also heating up. Reade about it here

  12. if my contribution will make a difference y not.

  13. Didn't know about this! thanks! will try and join.

  14. You must be joking.  I am not falling for this scam.  There is no such thing as global warming.  It is just a means to keep some people busy and to pretend to be doing something.  They are expecting to get a knighthood or some similar c**p!!

  15. What an absolute waste of time and resources.  I think I'll fly to London in my private jet just for the laughs.

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