
Tomorrow is my first day of school, but my body clock is totally out of whack!?

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tomorrow is my first day of 10th grade

it is 10 pm and i totalyl cannot get to sleep.

i dont want my family to yell at me but

i am so not tired

i am hypey and jumpy

and i have OCD so i cannot lie in my bed or else i might have a panic attack from uneven dots in the ceiling or something stupid.

seriously though what should i do? i need to wake up at 6 am tomorrow and i cant even lie down at 10! help!




  1. try watching a little tv quietly...or be for a while on the computer...these will otally make your eyes tired...or you can listen to music in helps me fall asleep....but not loud noisy music...something slow and quiet....or you can count umm...its probably cause ur excited for your first try not to think about tomorrow...that will make you less nervous and u can fall asleep...i hope this helpss

  2. get up and do something that will make you tired... like exercising..

  3. Drink some warm milk (it doesn't taste bad, and it makes you feel tired).Go to bed.Then listen to some relaxing music or white noise like a fan. Keep your eyes closed so you can't see the ceiling or anything that will bother you. Think about how school will be tomorrow and what you think will happen. If that fails, you'll need to tell your family that you can't sleep. You need to get enough sleep for school. Don't use the computer, eat anything, or watch TV for a few hours before bedtime though, because it gets you all excited and hyper. You may want to create a routine like writing in a diary every night or reading a novel every night in your bed. Good luck!

  4. Just go try your best to fall asleep. I fall asleep better with music on my TV. Like I turn it to one of the music channels(we have cable) and put the TV on sleep and it helps me go to sleep. I'm like that all yeah. Trust me, tomorrow when you come home from school you'll want a nap. Wake up at 6 and do your normal routine. Eat a good breakfast. Not only does it kick start your metabolism, it will make you less sleepy. If you need to, put some make up on to cover any bags or dark lines on your eyes. When you come home you'll be tired again and want to take a nap. Try going to bed at 9 or 9:30 tomorrow night that way when you're ready to go sleep by 10 or 10:30. You'll be back on track soon!

  5. lay down on Ur back, close your eyes and i guess just...calm down (if its possible) or think of i have no idea!

  6. LOL You start school in July? LOL

  7. lay on your back and picture yourself (with you eyes closed so no panic attack about the dots :) in a happy, gentle place, i always go for a warm beach with warm sand and the waves gently lapping my feet.... and it works everytime for me :)

  8. Drink lots of soda, it normally helps me

  9. run around until you are exhausted.

  10. well first of all who starts school on a thursday antry like watching tv or reading some wr u can relax

    n good luck tom.

  11. ...its july

  12. well, I know what you mean.

    If I were you, I'd write a list out of things you're excited for, things your nervous for, and things you don't want to happen, that way your mind gets distracted.

    If you don't want to do that, you could look at all your new stuff, and re-organize it.

    Go and look through your clothes and make outfits, or make a hairstyle for the future.

    You could watch tv, or try reading a book, which sounds boring.

    My cousin has OCD too.

    Good luck!

    hope I helped?

  13. wow.. where u live?

    watch tv until u fall asleep. works for me

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