
Tomorrow night ideas?

by Guest63574  |  earlier

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Me and my boyfriend want to go out tomorrow night, but I cant decide where, we can go to the cinema to see a film that I really want to see, or we can go bowling which we both enjoy, what would you do? or any other ideas would be nice xx




  1. just talk with him, maby you could go to an early movie and then go catch a couple games of bowling.

  2. Maybe you could go to bowling in the late afternoon and have a laugh and fun together than relax with eachother & watch a nice movie that u both like and than maybe a nice dinner to finish the night if he has left ova money lol that would b a pretty sweet night in my opinion lol

  3. go for a movie, then dinner in a restaurant , then .................................

  4. bowling would be better and romnatic

  5. go to the movies and check out the film "21".
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