
Tongue exercise Video, 4 a child that has a speech problem?

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Does anyone know if there is a video for children to exercise their tongue. I know this may sound silly, but my son has a speech problem and I was told that he needed to exercise his tongue because it would help with him controlling it while trying to make an alphabet sound. He will not l**k a lollipop or an ice cream cone (which is a great exercise). I was told that there is a video I can buy that will help him. I would appreciate some advice. Thank you




  1. My son has/had speech difficulties which were related to motor-tongue weakness. A speech therapist helps but the tongue as a muscle needed to be strengthened with specific exercises which help with positioning for swallowing and formation of specific sounds needed for speech articulation.
    I did find a speech therapist that developed videos which instructs on tongue exercises.

    I would suggest also contacting a local College or University which may have a speech/language dept. which may have a program or students to assist your son as having to pay for a therapist can be expensive.  

    Another option would be to contact your local high school or private high school where there may be student(s) needing community service hours.  You could arrange for a student to assist your son with tongue exercises and language/speech games to improve tongue/speech functioning.

    To have a child with any impairment can be frustrating and not understood by the general public.  The out of pocket expenses can be substantial as the public school system nationally has a reputation of providing minimal support if support is even provided. I have 3 children with learning disabilities and have had to navigate an educational system which constructs more obstacles for children versus providing tools to assist children to succeed.

    TRAIN YOUR BRAIN CO.  102 Central Avenue, Stirling, NJ 07980  908.647.5177
    Sounds The Letters Make.

    Best Wishes.

    Best Wishes,
    Linda Ryall

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