
Tongue feels like it cut from all angles, why?

by  |  earlier

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i can barely eat the food i used to eat everyday just beacuse of this. my tongue also looks more red at some places. any idea what it is and what i can do?




  1. are you maybe having an allergic reaction to something?

    are you on ANY new medication or have you eaten and new food?

    this doesn't sound good at all

    i would honestly go to the doc right away

    good luck

  2. Ask yourself what you ate or drank lately that could have caused your tongue to react like this.

    The reason I am asking is that I once sucked a Vitamin C tablet (uncoated) and it burnt my tongue so badly that it hurt for 3 days.

    If you can't think of a single thing, see your dentist or doctor as you may have an infection.

  3. Call your doctors office. Sounds like yeast. They can call you in some medicine:) Take care

  4. I agree that it may have been something you ate.  Have you eaten pineapple or anything really acidic recently?  I ate some pineapple that was cut too close to the rind and had a similar reaction.  It took a day or so to go away.  If this has been going on a while, then you should definitely see a doctor.

  5. You should probably see a doctor.  You can maybe drink cold water to get rid of the redness.

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