
Tongue piercing?!?!?!?

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ive had my tongue piercing for a week and 2 days now and underneath my tounge is a bit red and tender is this from moving my mouth alot (talking, eating) and because i still have the longer bar in?




  1. Don't worry its only  cuz its new give it time 2 heal & it`ll be fine

  2. you may need to check that there is nothing in the area that the piercing is at. Check the hole and make sure there is no bits of small food stuck in that area.

    Gaugle with warm salt water to help ease the tenderness, and pain.

    It is normal for it to be tender. Just give it time. the Tongue is slow to heal most of the time

  3. The tongue is actually one of the fastest places to heal in the body. Definitely faster than most external body piercings. For me, the swelling was completely down by the 7th day, and on the 10th day I changed it to the shorter bar. By the 15th or 16th day I could eat normally again. In the first week you really should avoid talking as much as possible, and if you are like me you are probably playing with the bar a lot as well, this can slow down the healing by a lot. When you change to a short bar it actually limits the amount of playing you can do so it can help it heal faster :) Although it's not as fun!

  4. yeah, that's normal. make sure you keep up with cleaning it. that is the most important thing. if it stays irritated go back to your piercer so they can take a look at it.

  5. It's just from the piercing being new. It takes a VERY long time for a tongue piercing to heal. It can take up to a year or more. So it is very normal.

  6. How does it feel to be debris?

  7. try to chew on a lot of ice, cold stuff usually works it out. and try not to use your tongue a whole lot, whether talkin or eating. dont eat stuff that will inflame ur tongue (hot wings, peppers, other spicy stuff)

    and be careful about rinsing w/ really strong mouthwashes cause it can give u thrash (yucky white yeast rash) on your tongue.

    other than that, take it easy and it should feel better.
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