
Tongue piercing question...?

by  |  earlier

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I had my tongue pierced about a week ago. I went in to my piercers and asked them if if was healing alright and they said it looked great, and is healing quickly.

My question is this. How long until (open mouth) kissing is alright? I know it was off limits for the first week. Also, how long until (for lack of a better word) oral, is alright?

Not trying to offend anyone but I want to know when I get to put this thing to use! (And so does my boyfriend. lol) ;-)




  1. With piercings it always seems  everybody is a little different and it all depends a lot on your body's individual ability to heal. I'll confess I don't remember how long it took mine to heal but I know it was somewhere between the two week and four week mark before I felt comfortable or dexterous enough for that matter to really share my piercing with my lover.

  2. two weeks is the recommended. When I got my tongue pierced the swelling had gone down in a few days but the tongue itself was still pretty sore for another week or so. Kissing is ok once the swelling does down but be careful to keep up with rinsing your mouth with the mouthwash and caring for it. Oral you should probably wait the full two weeks and continue the rinsing after "use" for another week.

    Just a recommendation: drink something really cold before oral use. It will make the barbell really cold while the rest of your mouth is still warm giving a little twist of pleasure for your boyfriend.

  3. well by rights your tongue is till sore and its to early to use it yet. i would wait and till 6 months cause thats when its fully healed cause if you would use it now it going to hurt cause its not healed yet really.

    A tongue piercing should be very comfortable after 2 weeks. However the piercing is not permanent till 6 months have elapsed. Don’t play with or chew on your piercing as this can lead to the formation of scar tissue

    Bacterial Infections

       1. Infections are uncommon with tongue piercings. Avoid putting anything dirty into your mouth (e.g. chewing pens and fingernails).

       2. Even though your mouth harbours more bacteria than any other part of your body, the washing action of your saliva and the enzymes it contains improves healing.

       3. Refrain from kissing and oral s*x during the healing period.

       4. Symptoms of infection include increased pain, increased redness and an increase in the amount and thickness of the discharge. The infected discharge is usually thick and yellow, green or grey and may have an unusual odour. Consult with your physician or piercer and do not remove the jewelry until you seek advice.

  4. i'd say give it a month, sorry but best to be safe with piercing especially tongue!!

  5. I dont really know why they tell you that you must wait two weeks before kissing or oral really. Cos i kissed my bf the first day i got it done and it didnt harm it. Depends how quickly the swelling goes down on yours i suppose

  6. Its best to wait till your piercing is completely healed to prevent infection. It takes 4-6 weeks to heal, to be safe you should wait atleast the whole 6 weeks after keeping up with the aftercare. If you have any oral contact with anyone during the healing process the bacteria of the others person can irritate a piercings causing infection and other complications.  

  7. i waited two weeks and I was happy I waited that full time.

    Basically, if your tongue is still sore (especially underneath) you will notice and can stop.

    Everyones body heals differently but after two weeks, you should be safe to go.

    Good luck. enjoy. im sure your bf will ! mine did :)

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