
Tonight's Debate?

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What are everyone's opinions about what might happen tonight in the Debate? For some reason I feel like Hillary is going to unravel. Either way, I think it is going to be good.




  1. It certainly is shaping up to be a very interesting hour. Hopefully, the slurs and innuendos will be minimal...they are both adults. (At least one would hope so.)

    My money is on Sen. Obama, he appears to be able to keep his cool in a tricky confrontation.

  2. Billary is going down. She is going to be the only one to blame. I think she is going to make an azz out of herself tonight. She will probably try a full frontal assault on Obama and its going to back fire on her big time. She really can't attack him on his beliefs or policies because they are to close to her own views. Whats that leave her with to go after? Personal stuff which is going to get real ugly. What ever skeletons are in the closet they will be brought up or out tonight. Buckle up its going to interesting. In the end Billary will be so far behind she might as well quit.

  3. They fight like a dysfunctional married couple one day screaming the other nearly kissing,  it's like a love triangle with two married people.

    I expect tears, yelling, possibly some racial slurs and much more,

    I can't wait until this blows up in the convention hall and Bill Starts his racial ravings.

  4. obama will kick her farther down the stairs, politely

  5. They will be asked a lot of non-questions about bull, and give a lot of non-answers.

    Don't get me wrong, I support Obama, but what we call "debates" are total bull pucky.

    No, she's not going to "unravel" nor will much of anything of note happen. Not that that will discourage the pundits from blathering on about it afterward.
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