
Tonight is the big game.. Melbourne v Manly.. your thoughts...?

by Guest59564  |  earlier

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Oh and thanks channel 9 for deciding to air the game in Melbourne at 10.30 rather than 12am! Why not put it on live instead of watching repeats of CSI... =@





  1. Manly by 10

  2. haha suks 2 be u. Im finkin the storms will fu.k manly up in more ways then 1 2nite. God speed

  3. Don't worry Storm Girl, when Manly win, as they will, you will hear the roar from Brookie right  down in Melbourne! lol

    No prizes for guessing who I pick to win.

  4. Channel 9 would have pulled a good crowd in Melbourne had they shown the game live, the AFL game is 1 v 16 and of little interset to anybody, NRL supporters down south get treated like s**t if you know what I mean!!  Melbourne are just about to hit top form, Manly have been there for some time now, they cannot stop the Storm juggernaut, back to back comin up!!

  5. Manly sea gulls to win. Home ground advantage. Do agree Storm Girl about the telly time. Disgraceful.

    I used to live in Corowa in the early 80's and it was the same then. At least channel 7 (then) had a good excuse because they had both league and AFL.

  6. to be honest i hope they smash each other and end up a drawn,i and hundreds of thousands of nrl supporters have no time for either side ,they are a protected species who get away with so much ,when other teams are crucified they get away with it,an example is they slow the play down by holding down longer ,their obstructive play seems to go unnoticed,etc etc ,

  7. storm did NOT deserve to win that game

    but my, that was the best game of league i have seen in awhile, being at brookie amongst the crowd was sosososo goood

    but the ref was an idiot and made so many stupid calls and melbourne was offside the whole bloody game >:|


  8. storm will totally win!! they rock

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