
Tonight(in pakistan) is definately a great night " Shab-e- Mirage" but some people are celeberating it?

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and make gathering in mosques, and do lightening, etc. Is it not a kind of biddah?




  1. Yes, it is bid'ah, n every bid'ah is in hellfire!

  2. Yes ,it is a bidah

    One should not celebrate this night ,as sahaba and salaf ( first three generation of muslims) did not celebrate it .

    So its a bidah

  3. because it is a blessed and noble night.

    in a way your existence is biddah too. so is the computer in front of you.

  4. That's a happy night for  us as it was the day our beloved Prophet (pbuh) ascended to heavens and brought us a gift of 5 times prayer. It is also a happy day for me as the next day of ISRAA was born my daughter who is named 'ISRAA' and who is going to be 1 year.

    For both the night of Israa and the birthdays there is no ceremonies or celebrations or recommended prayers in Islam. It will be a bid'aa to do so...and of course as Muslim we should always Praise Allah more and do more good deeds for all His blessings.

  5. Definitely an innovation. this was a great night. we should pray nafils, eat good the way we daily do, and just recall that night and discuss how great and beautiful islam is and life of Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) was. celebrating it n all is innovation. No where in Islam I see Muhammad saw, asking us to celebrate such occasions.

    May Allah guide us all-ameen~!

  6. Yes, it is bid'ah.

  7. It is not bid`ah, because it is not something that contradicts that letter and spirit of the Shari`ah. Nowhere did Allah or His Prophet prohibit any of these things. To understand the concept of bid`ah in Islam, please read "The Concept of Bid'a in the Islamic Shari'a" at . Prophet Muhammad said, "He who inaugurates a good sunna in Islam earns the reward of it and all who perform it after him without diminishing their own rewards in the slightest." He also approved innovations by his companions that accorded with the letter and spirit of Islam.

    The people who go about screaming bid`ah and haram have twisted Islamic methodology to suit their whims and have changed Islam from a beautiful religion into a system of shadows and sharp edges.

  8. This great night is not only for Pakistan but also for Muslim Ummah in the World. Please read Surah Bani Israel and Surah Nazam in Holly Quaran to know about the Shabe Miraz.This night is  great because of Holly Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (SWA)

  9. there is no such thing in Quran and not even prophet celebrated this night so this is the innovation of today's muslims.

    actually pakistanis are very keen to celebrates these type of things but if some body  asked them to follow Quran they will kick them out and label them as a kafir or wahabi. or even they will put that person under the blasphemy law

  10. I have never heard of a matter as such!

    Can you please explain what it is and why it is done?

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