
Tonights spectacle at the RNC?

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Okay now we know where and what Palin stands for. Okay almost I'm still not sure where she stands on immigration, economy, education or just about any other issue.

My question is. Will McCain actually speak of the issues tonight or are we in for more fluff?




  1. Last week Democrats spent 5 days trying to link McCain to Bush. For three days this week Democrats tried to attack Palin because her daughter is pregnant. Last night one of the Obama supporters even made comments about her youngest daughter on here.;...

    So if Palin used her boot, they had it coming. You want to know where John stands on the issues after Democrats have painted him with the smear brush? You do not care where he stands, your mind is already made up. If you are seriously wanting to know his stances, try going to his website. Myself, I hope he uses the other boot tonight!

  2. just like obama, nothing will be answered

  3. Not a lot on the issues, no.

    But like the Republicans said, this campaign is not about issues.

    We will find out more details about when he was a POW 40 years ago,.

  4. I would expect nothing but fluff. Have you ever seen a convention ? They are all fluff.

    They are  pep rallies. It would be like "preaching to the choir" .

    The debates are the place to discuss that.

  5. Bash, bash, bash. Republicans don't do issues.

  6. She didn't say much about issues. I want to her the old man and see if he has anything to offer

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