
Tonsils swollen, lump in throat feeeling, pic of my mouth, please help this is agony!?

by Guest33114  |  earlier

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Hey everybody, i wake up 3-4 days ago with a strange pain in my mouth, at the back. The pain was fairly bad but standable, today i wake up in agony at 6am and everytime i gulp the pain in my throat is near tears pain.

I have a clear picture i took today which shows you what's going on in my mouth, please if anyone can help this swelling go away or the pain because it's agony i much appreciatte, thanks =]

Here's the pic

Thanks =]




  1. I really cant see anything in the picture.

    I would go see the doctor.

    In the meantime, I would take ibuphroin and chloroseptic spray to ease the pain.

  2. just looks like the right side of your throat is swollen, go and see a doctor.

    But believe me I have seen ALOT worse than that.

  3. Infection perhaps, AND BRUSH YOUR TEETH PROPERLY!

  4. Tonsillitis or pharyngitis both involve the back of the throat. Go to the doctor and he will give you an antibiotic. Gargle with salt water that really helps heal. Hope you feel better soon.  

  5. I'm thinking it's most probably tonsillitus, as your tonsils are a little swollen. Just go to the doctors and they'll give you something to clear it up quickly :)

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