
Tony Parker/Chris Paul?

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Do you think trading parker for paul is a good idea? whos better?




  1. Good for who? San Antonio: good. New Orleans: bad. I'd take skilled rookies over seasoned veterans any day. Paul isn't better, yet. He just needs the experience.

  2. Yes, It is a very good idea if anyone is willing to do it. Chris Paul is way better. He racks up assists and points every game. He's my number 2 pick behind Kobe Bryant and lots of people pick him over Kobe Bryant. Do that trade. It will help your team a lot.

    Please give me Best Answer.

  3. If you're the one giving up Tony Parker then it is definitely a good idea.  Just look at the statistics (keep in mind Paul played about 10 more games than Parker)...  


    Chris Paul lead the NBA in assists this season by a wide margin with 925, that's almost 12 per game.  Tony Parker had 411 which came to 6 per game.  

    Edge: Chris Paul


    Paul had 201 and Parker had 164.  That averages out to 2.5 per game for Paul and 2.4 for Parker.  It's basically even.

    Edge: DRAW

    Free Throws

    Paul shot .785 from the line and Parker shot .753.  This one's close to going Paul's way, but I'll call it even.

    Edge: DRAW


    Chris Paul was 4th in the NBA in scoring with 24 PPG and Parker was 5th with 22 PPG.  THeir shooting percentage was pretty similar also.

    Edge: DRAW


    Chris Paul lead the league in this category as well, blowing Parker away, with 2.33 steals per game to Parker's .94 per game.

    Edge: Chris Paul


    Not a stat that you see much from a PG but everything helps.  Paul averages almost 5 per game (not bad) to Parker's 3.7.

    Edge: Chris Paul

    Hope this helps!

  4. chris paul definitely

  5. its CP3 nuff said

  6. Paul is the best point guard in the NBA . if he would of had the weapons that Parker had the record books might have been shattered

  7. no way. parker isnt anywhere near as good as paul. chris paul can give you 10+ assists and 25+ points a game. parkers a great scorer and he somehow scores while getting thrown around, but paul is only going to get better and parker is as good as h**l get. im a huge kobe fan but next year kobes gunna come in 2nd to chris paul in the mvp race

  8. Chris Paul by far.  Not only is he a better player, he doesn't flop like a sandal.  Tony Parker is a weak player who uses weak tactics.

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