
Too Late for Recruiters Assistance? (USAF)?

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Recently I found out my MTL's lost my paperwork for RAP. They said they need my recruiter to send it again. However, my recruiter won't answer the phone and I am 2 weeks away from graduating Tech School. Is it too late to pick up RAP? Any suggestions?




  1. I agree with East.  It's not too late.  In fact you can do Recruiters Assistance more than once, but only once a year.

  2. You can get your Congressman to contact your recruiter, if you are having trouble.  Recruiters really do work hard  and usually not in the office.  He will jump, however, when he gets a congressional phone call.  That's always #1 priority.

  3. I sincerely hope that Armychick was joking when she said to contact your congressman.  You save your congressman for major issues like unresolved sexual harrasement or racial discrimination.  Hopefully, you'll never need to go down that road.  

    Have your mom/dad/boyfriend/cousin go by the recruiter's and have them fax it to the MTLs.

  4. No its not to late, you'll just need to get a hold of your recruiter within the next week or it probably will be, my husbands buddy had the same problem and he was able to get his new paper work processed a week before his graduation and was still able to do the program.  

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