
Too Many Distractions for Palin?

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Do you think that everything going on in Palin's personal life will distract her from fulfilling her duties (if elected)? Or, do you think she will persevere like some mothers with families to take care of and a career to juggle?




  1. she will do just great. She is bright, tough and has great judgment.

    Just like a father would cope, so will she.

  2. ...

  3. What do you think???

  4. well......she's gonna have to ignore one of the two......and it looks like itll be the family.

  5. No.  Not too many distractions.  "Everything going on in Palin's personal life" makes it sound like she's living in a circus tent.  She has family distractions just like most other American families.  If she's elected, she'll do fine.  If not, it won't be because she was distracted.

  6. This job is more stressful than any other job. I don't think many people can handle a Down's Syndrome baby, a unmarried pregnant teenager, an investigation on abuse of power, and a son in Iraq along with the quick, world-changing decisions of the executive branch of the United States of America.

  7. She's under investigation for malfeasance in her role as Governor, and it may turn into an indictment. So, she hasn't handled her role as mother very well (her daughter's preggie) and she hasn't handled her role as Governor very way ( she may be indicted). Yeah, she's a real... loser.

  8. She need to get her personal ordeals in order first.  Someone will get neglected, The American people, her disabled son or teenager.

  9. Why dont people ask this question of Obama?  He has 2 young girls that need him too.

    ADD:  The dad is a stay home dad.  Geez. You women who pretend to be "progressive" are setting us back 50 years with this kind of talk.  What is wrong with you?

  10. Since she is balancing it now and there are literally millions of women who balance work and family, I see no reason she can't do it.  Some women are amazing that way.

    Your question was asked respectfully, but unfortunately, it is still very sexist.  Have you noticed that men don't have to answer these questions, despite the fact that they are parents too?  America has come a long way, but we still have a long way to go.  The sad part is that women are often the ones asking the question and not even realizing what they're doing to our gender.

  11. I just wish i could handle all the areas of life like she can.ONE fantastic lady & she will make a great VP.

  12. Uh, yeah, one would think so...twenty weeks post partum with a pregnant teenage daughter, governor of a state and VP candidate who has to go out campaigning...hope she's on some good meds.

  13. Yes too many distraction from both the Palin's and McCain's check this out......

  14. The difference between Palin and many mothers (such as myself) that have to take care of family and a career is most mothers aren't trying to assist in running the country. When you are a mother, your children should come first. What happens, God forbid, if one of her children come down with a debilitating illness? She will have to decide what's more important to her-her family or her country. Either way, someone loses. If she hires a nanny to assist her husband in caring for her children, her family loses. If she, much as I would, chooses to abandon whatever vice presidential duties she is doing at the time, the country, in a way, is short-changed. When you have that many children, you have to prioritize. I'm not saying she cannot do it. I'm just saying it can be VERY overwhelming.  

  15. it varies person to person me no I could not but I thnk she would be o.k.

  16. Well, I guess only time will tell whether she's up to it or not. Presidential candidates, I'm sure, have personal or family issues that they must deal with while running their campaigns. I'd suspect she's up to the challenge.......      -RKO-    

  17. I don't think she will be able to handle all the pressures of the VP job while trying to raise a baby with down syndrome as well as having other small children who will need her and now having her teenage daughter due to give birth within the next few months.  It isn't about being a mother but being available and qualified and I don't think she is either.

  18. No... She has been just fine up to this point, and will continue on doing just fine.

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