
Too Tall Too Shy ...Left Out :(?

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hey, im riley :l

I need some help pretty badly! Heres my problem

Im 5'9 and 13 - I hate it now! Everyones shorter than me and they look like they just came out of an Abercrombie & Fitch catalogue! My height is so annoying because people are always teasing me about it like repeatedly saying "your TALL" and embarrassing me :( I can't stand up for myself :(

Im also pretty horrible at talking to people who aren't like my bff because i start to stutter and get really nervous. Im horrible at small talk too. When a person makes fun of me i cant think what to say and when i do say something its retarded!

older kids are always saying stuff too.

i feel like im never perfect enough for anyone at school.

im not good at sports rlly but im gonna try volleyball........i just dont feel good right now and need some good advice and help for my confidence and what to say back to them when they annoy me.

Sorry about all my whining lol but i just need advice :) thanks





  1. I wish i was tall ..darn..

    I am short and no not just short but ABNORMAL short:(

    But that probably didnt help

    So i would say BE proud and im guessing they are just jelous and show them how PROUD you are and wear something that doesnt make you seem taller and also my friend is sooo tall like i mean taller than you and 13

    But she just has confidence and going in a volleybal team will help!!

    Good luck!

    God bless you!

  2. put makeup on, do yourself up, and be confident! :]

    i'm 5'8", which is definitely taller than most girls in 11th grade.

    but i'm confident around other people and it really makes life more fun.

  3. Be proud. Super models have to be 5'8 and taller. I was 5'10 in high school, and loved it! Feel good about yourself!

  4. You have to learn to ignore ignorance, people make fun of or pick on other people so they can feel high and mighty usually in front of their friends, these people are normally very strange and come from weird family backgrounds (like their parents don't care what they turn out like). They do it to be in the spot light and be the center of attention, they don't care how they get the attention or who they take down to get it. These people might seem popular but trust me they are not immune to bad things happening to them in life. Think of it like Karma, what you dish out in life is honestly what you will receive in return! If they can see that you could care less what their opinion is of you they will leave you alone. The more they upset someone the more they feed off the reaction they get. Unless it crosses the line ignore ignorance completely, if violence or physical harm is indicated they should be reported immediately.We live in a crazy world so if someone is threatening you with physical violence it needs to be reported. I hope you learn to embrace being tall and find that their are great advantages to this, I am a tall woman and shorter ladies always say they wish they could be taller. I think martial arts has many different aspects to teaching confidence, this might be something that you should look into.

  5. Well,just be yourself.

    Size does not matter.

    Who cares the girls in there

    are just too perfect,even tho

    NO ONE is that perfect.

    And if they tell you

    "your tall",just say.

    "And your too short"

    It will make you feel more

    good about yourself

    I stutter alot. but my friends think

    its funny or cute.

    so mayeb they'll think thee

    same with you

    Just if volleyball doesn't work

    try swimming.

    : ]

    I hope this helps you

  6. :) Brag that you're tall enough to walk the runway and they aren't. LOL.

  7. Omg i wish i was tall like you!! you could be a model!! you are a very lucky girl and you should't be annoyed over it!! try and talk to people and just be yourself because thats all you be. and igore the people that say your tall because there just jealous and try to bring you down!! good luck!!

    answer mine;...

  8. Trust me..everyone will catch up. I'm a bit taller then average (I'm 13 too), but its ok. It's all about confidence- if people see that you have that, they'll want to be with you. Joining the volleyball team is an awesome idea- it will help you talk to people. Just don't be shy, cause whats the worst that could happen?

    To talk to people, talk about teachers or something familiar. Never ask yes or no questions- that way the person can't just say "No." And ignore the teasing, even though it may be hard..they're probably just jealous! Really. I sorta wish I was taller.

  9. Hunny, I'm so jelous i'm 5'8 and i wish i was like 5'11. As you get older you'll start to realize all the wonderful things about being tall. When i was in middle school i felt odd also because i was taller than eveybody and i felt like i couldn't go out with any boys because they were all shorter than me. Even my first year of high school i was still a bit uncomfortable in this tall body but than all of a sudden it came to me. The fisrt time i realized how great it was to be tall was when i was talking to a bunch of my friends and we were discussing our weight. All of them are of course like 5'0 - 5'3 so there all like yeah i weight 120 and i was shocked i weighed so much more than them and i was skinner. It was strange than i realized how much more weight i could carry. That was the first advantage that i realized tall people had. Than i started loving being tall, i loved my long legs, i loved the fact that it's clinically proven that tall people are typically more sucessfull, and the fact that guys love tall girls. It's great being tall give it a chance, and embrace it, theres nothing you can do about it, you can't cahnge it. So might as well love it.

  10. look on the bright side - atleast your not some shortie and you could definetly be a model if you wanted to

  11. It's better than being short. Trust me.

  12. keep in mind that u may stop growing. then you'll be a great height! id love to be 5'9. im 5'2 and thats very embarrassing and its much worse to be short than tall. besides, ur very young and its natural for girls ur age to feel self-concious about looking different. ur social skills will develop overtime, just be urself and practice looking sure of urself and ppl will give a better response.  

  13. im 13 well 14 in 6 days!

    im 5 10 and i absolutly love it!

    people are so so so jelous of us :D

    they are only picking on u cos they want to be ur height!

    its good cos i play a really high standard of netbal and everyones the same height as me/even taller.

    so its a good contrast.

    its should give you confidence!

    letur hair loose, slap some makeup on, buy some skinnies to show off our gorgeous long legs!

    34 inch for me!

    smile, laugh, chat with friends!

    u just need a good shopping spree!

    go buy some strappy tops and padded bras!

    ull look like a super model!

    andplus when ur older everyone iwll be ur height especially guys!

    they will be drooling after u and ur legs


    dnt forget posture is key if you are tall otherwise u look like an idiot who is ashamed of themselves!

    good luck  

  14. My friends little sister who's (I think 5'11) and she's 13 too. If someone makes fun of her for being tall she starts making fun of them for being short. Most people are shorter than her, but it doesn't bother her. Being tall is a good thing.

    I'm shy too, and it's hard sometimes to talk to new people, but they might be nervous too. Just be yourself and try not to think about it too hard. Try volleyball cause you might be really good at it. Never know if you don't try right? =)

  15. I know it's tough, but you are just at a hard age which is part of the problem. It will pass eventually, but I know that doesn't help any right now.

    In height, I was the exact opposite, one of the shortest kids up until the end of 9th grade. And you just KNOW I took a lot of nonsense for that. And being short, people seem to think you are weak and can just step on you and say whatever they want.

    Shyness, I was just like you. Now that I'm grown, I'm still just the quiet type by nature, but a LOT better than I used to be. I find eye contact with at least a light smile, and maybe a hello in passing if the smile is returned, helps a lot. It just helps people feel that you are approachable.

    Volleyball sounds like a great idea! And you might even try to see if there are any local youth teams that are outside of school, with a group of kids you may not even know. That way you can start fresh. And if you aren't 100% at it from the beginning, no biggie. Try to laugh it off and say that you are still practicing and working on improving. You don't have to be the most outgoing person, but if you can go in there seeming open and friendly then hopefully you'll end up with a whole group of new friends.

    And when you get great at it, if those other kids still say mean junk, then you can just throw it right back at them about how YOU are fortunate to be tall, unlike them.

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