
Too all the conspiracy theorist. what if a select power group from Saudi Arabia is in cahoots with the US gov?

by  |  earlier

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and what is they asked that we take Sadaam out and to use one of their "bad guys" named Bin Laden to build the war. Throw out another theory of "WMD's" and wag the dog , in turn we'll give you low low oil eventually.

I don't believe it but man could it have happened?




  1. i don't think so...after George refused to give them the ports deal and access to our infrastructure or sell them certain properties, they started withdrawing their money, nearly collapsed the stock market the very next day.  All the more reason to Pump our own oil and harvest Shale to offset their tactics.

  2. Obviously you don't believe it.

    If you did, it wouldn't matter.  It would just be one of a number of alternate explanations to fill the void left by the government's official fairy tale.

    All that matters is the evidence to show the government is not telling the truth.  That is the truth that I subscribe to, and it is not necessary for me to subscribe to your alternate theory or anyone else's to hold that view.  That I believe the government is lying stands on its own.

    The 9-11 investigation was a pathetic joke.  Alternative explanations will continue to spring up for as long as there is an absence of a credible explanation from the government.

  3. I like it. Can I start a web site with this info?

    You do know the Earth is flat, and we never landed on the moon. Paul McCartney is dead and Elvis lives. Bush planned the 911 attacks. And here's my favorite: David Icke has evidence that the world has been taken over by Lizard-men, disguised in human skin:


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