
Too early to tell...pregnancy?

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i have TTc for one month now and my period is due today and still no sign. is it too early to tell in a doctors blood test?

I did a HPT and it was neg that was yesterday




  1. try a first response hpt!! i took one the day before i was due for af and it was positive!! it was faint (but dark enough to clearly see) but even faint means positive!! good luck and baby dust to you!!

  2. Depends on when you did the deed. If you did it during ovulation, I would say wait about a week to go to the doctor or take another hpt.

  3. try again in few more days and use it with your first morning's urine. it's very accurate. i took mine when i was 5 days late.

    good luck!

  4. were in the same position girl!... my period is not due till wed though! ... most likely if you took a test today and it turned out negative you're not pregnant cause it should detect some hcg by now but there still is a possibility!... best of luck BABY DUST and God bless!

  5. Try another hpt first thing in the morning. It may have been a little early. Get a First Response Early Result test. They are the best as far as I am concerned.

  6. Wait a few more days and test again. Blood test should pick it up also though.

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