
Too expensive?

by  |  earlier

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i'm thinking about getting a pet turtle but i was wandering if they are expensive too keep.

thanks ;)




  1. Box turtles just need vegtables and the occasional snail or two.  I don't think they are as expensive as say a cat or a dog.  You don't really hear about high vet bills for turtles.

  2. To start Yes

  3. Yeah their kinda exepsive. But please consider buying this pet. They live up to 100 ywears and grow to a massive size when a adult. I have a 40 year old turtle and i had to buy a ENORMOUS tank to house them. And that cost 500 dollars plus. And he eats lots of food. But i love him to bits!!! But do consider.

  4. well.

    the law is, is that they have to be atleast 4in around...

    so don't expect too small of a turtle.

    and they cost from 20$ to 50$

    unless you find a baby one at the lake or pond...then that's free(:

    but anyway....

    you can get a 5 gallon aquarium for 10$

    food[turtle food] is about 3$

    and just get some rocks from around the house pop um in the tank add some water and a big rock for it to sit on when it get's tired...

    and there ya' go!

  5. I have red eared sliders which are aquatic turtles that I have had for 6 years. A good indoor set up costs about $250 (tank, filter, media, accessories). You have to change the water several times a month, takes about 30 minutes. Monthly expenses for filter media and food is about $30. Right now they are in a 50 gallon tank and I am making an outdoor habitat for them in my backyard for the warm months. That will cost a few hundred dollars at the very least.

    Also remember - turtles grow and they live a LONG time (if cared for properly) Red eared sliders can live 50 years.

  6. yes they need large tanks, UVB lighting, heat lamps, a 55 to 100 gallon tank(depending on the species) and also a HUGE filter. Mine has already clogged a broke 3 filters at olny 2 inches. So now i have a 55 gallon filter for a bet 10 gallons of water. They are expencive, there food is not. But there set up is VERY VERY expencive. that is if you want to do it right.
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