
Too fat to fly on airplane?

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A friend and I were talking about how they want to charge more money for fatter people to fly.I was wondering how big the seat belts are on friend said if you can't click the seatbelt you should be charges a safety big do you have to be for the seatbelts not to fit? let's here your opinions and answer!




  1. The largest person I have flown with is approx. 300 lbs and he did not have to pay extra.  He was able to sit in an Economy class seat and was able to buckle up without and 'extender'.

  2. I agree to a certain extent with Ben, but the human rights issue can sometimes override the common sense. Just because you say someone has to pay for 2 seats, doesn't mean you hate them for being fat, you are just stating fact that they need extra room and if they continually have to give away extra seats to accommodate this they will lose money.

    Am I allowed extra baggage allowance beacause I am very tall and my clothes are larger than a smallperson ? No and I wouldnt expect it. Do I get an upgrade to Business class because my legs can' fit comfortably in economy, no (or do I get an extra seat free to make me fit better? NO) And if you dont give an extra seat, what it it infringes onthe person next to them (most seats dont have a solid seat, just an arm)

    I know very well that some people have medical issues which means they cannot lose weight but everyone must know that the MAJORITY of the time it is bad diet  lack of exercise and eating too much.

    As I said, this is not discrimination, it is fact and we have to deal with it in a common sense way. (I have seen one airline tv show where they do charge but if the flight is not full they refund the ticket and make one of the unsold seats the extra one next to the passenger - this seems reasonable)

  3. If the guys name is anoop then charge him

  4. Don't know the exact measurements but since the airlines are now charging for luggage, I believe if you are over a certain weight, there should indeed be an added fee.

  5. no.

    they don't charge you!

    because there was this guy that

    was over weight and he couldnt fit the the

    seatbelt so they just

    gave him a seatbelt extender. && didn't charge him.

  6. The problem is a serious human rights concern.  Although it is true that many people today are seriously overweight and need to lose this weight, they also face a great deal of discrimination and embarrassment in addition to their visible weight problem.

    When you purchase a ticket it is for one person.  Now the size of that person should technically be irrelevant because they are still "one person".  They should be provided with a seat that can accommodate their body and if no such single seat exists on a plane then they should be awarded two regular seats because they have paid to travel to their destination.

    Now the gray area is charging an extra fee because now the airline can't sell the second seat if it is occupied by an over-sized person.  The problem is that by treating them differently than everyone else because of the way they physically are is discrimination and a violation against their basic and fundamental human rights.  You can't approach a person who is 350lbs entering an aircraft and tell them to leave 100lbs of fat behind.

    As the world populous grows and become 'larger' in the future I expect we will be seeing more and more of these cases brought forth in the courts and resolved paving the way for future policies on the subject.

  7. I agree with Charlie, it's more about body shape.  A 250 lb person whose weight is evenly distributed might fit more easily into a seat than a 175 lb person who carries most of it in their rear-end and hips.  It just depends.  

    My opinion is that the only time a person should be charged more is if their body size requires more space than one seat in order to be comfortable, but only if the plane is booked solid.  If they are on a flight where there are empty seats, then they shouldn't have to pay more.

  8. If you can't comfortably fit in the seat without "spilling over" into the next one and causing an extremely uncomfortable flight for the person sitting next to you, they will make you buy two seats. If the flight is not completely sold-out, they will then refund you for the second seat.

    Peachy, right?

  9. Airplanes have seat belt extensions which the flight attendant can give you.  I am a large person and need a seat belt extender, but have no problem fitting in the seat.  Sure I'd like it to be would everyone else...but it is not a problem and does not bother the person next to me.  Different people have different body shapes even if they weigh nearly the same.

  10. I hate when these things happen. They should always keep in mind bigger people. I am not big but I have big friends and it is very sad when we go to an amusement park and they're kicked out of the ride in front of everyone because the sit belt doesn't close. Why should they pay more to fly? They should make some sit belts that fit all sizes up to certain pounds, oviously over 200 lbs.

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