
Too hot in cyprus in august?

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Hi all, ive booked my family hol in cyprus for 2 weeks in august. Was a bit worried that the heat might spoil it, from what ive heard from others. I have 2 young children who are 5 and 3. Was wondering if it was true, is it really too hot to enjoy it? Any advice?




  1. hey it will be a great holiday trust me!

    i have been and its really hot! em tips are to drink LOADS of water and keep VERY hydrated and makesure your kids are drinking plenty of water, and wear caps and sunglasses.

    emm well to keep cool obviously go swimming in the pool or sea.. and wear PLENTY of suncream!

    all stuff you probably know but hope it helped..

    dont think it will e to hot as there is air conditioning and plenty of pools and sea! aha!

    have an amazing time


  2. I've just checked on google - cyprus temperature august - and find that July/August are their hottest months with temps in mid 30s.

    Take plenty of sun block - high factor.   Seek shelter.

    Rest at noon.  Make the most of early morning and evenings.

  3. Suggest check website to ascertain average temperature in Cyprus in August and then take precautionary steps.

  4. It will be unbearably hot and you are right to worry.  I have been many times but would never go in August, even June is often too hot to enjoy the sunshine.  Sorry, but I am being honest as you have two young children and you will have to be very very careful to keep them out of the sun and make sure both they and you don't get dehydrated.

    I love the hot sunshine so I am not exaggerating my remarks about a Cypriot August.

  5. I lived in Cyprus for three years while in the RAF, it's a wonderful country, and I love the heat.

    August is the hotest month of the year and averages 33 or 91 degrees depending on how old you are, I remember it being over a 100 one year.

    There is no problem at all with children as long as you use common sense.

    Make sure you book a hotel/apartment that has air conditioning, have sun shades for the children especially if you have a pushchair, white hats are also a good idea.

    Take maximum protection sun cream with you and remember to re-apply it if they go in the pool or the sea.

    As in all med. countries, try and avoid the mid day sun when it's at it's hotest and most dangerous.

    Put after sun cream on them before bed.

    Make sure they have plenty to drink, the water is quite safe there.

    All the above advice counts for grown ups as well.

    Have a great time and say hello to Aphrodite for me, it's a long time since I saw her last, 1964.

  6. There is a good chance it will be quite hot at that time.  A good way to check weather is to try googling "Cyprus weather in August", or trying sites like TripAdvisor.  Closer to the date, Yahoo and CNN weather are two of the more accurate forecast sites.

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