
Too late to become a good snowboarder?

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Hey! I've never really done winter sports, just because my parents never really brought me out to do them. Last year I tried snowboarding and instantly bruised the c**p out of my tailbone...I only really snowboarded for a total of about 3 hours because I was in a lot of pain. By the end, I was semi-sort of-starting to-kind offfff get it. Determined, I decided to give it another shot this season. I went for 3 days, two of which were really only less than half days. In this time, I managed to get the basic skills down, and got down an intermediate slope without falling, except once on a slick patch of ice. I can't really carve yet, but I can get reasonable speed and control with the more basic skills. I LOVE it and want to keep going, but I'm curious if I have the potential to actually get GOOD. It seems like it's better to start as a kid...




  1. its never too late i seen people on the mountain learing when there like 60 so if your determined go for it!

  2. ever heard of the 112 year old man who skiid till his death?

  3. Just take lessons or if you cant afford it find some guy out on the slopes that will give you a few pointers i dont think he will turn you dont. Ride on!

  4. i dont think that it is ever to late

    if ur good at it go for it

  5. What is the difference between a snowboarder and a snowboard instructor? 3 days!

    Honestly, it is never too late to become good. The more you practice the better you become. Also, taking more lessons is always good.

  6. It's never too late!  Keep practicing and it'll come to you.

    It may seem easier for kids to learn since they don't have as far to fall and don't always have a healthy fear of injury like an adult, but it's far far from impossible.

    I went a few times in my teens but didn't start riding much until I was 24.  If I can do it so can you!!

    Next time you go up spend some time on the easier trails in the morning and work out your turns and as you get better at turns carving will come naturally, but it's easier to figure it out on a simpler run.

    (PS: I'm a girl too.)

  7. you're 21 that means you are a kid so get out there!!! i started regularly at about age 23, now i,m 32 and consider myself expert in that i can confidently go down any trail on any mountain and at least make it sucks, it kills everyone so dont let that discourage you...try to find someone to teach you or get a lesson--makes a big difference and go consistently, not just once ot twice a year--you'll get it!!!

  8. Its better with most things to start as a kid as you have less fear and tend to pick things up quicker. But it doesent mean you are too old at 21 to get good, in fact you are well off being too old to get good. I used to ride occasionally with someone who started riding at 42 that was three years ago and he is pretty good now. I would worry too much about falling either as its part of snowboarding all riders fall even the pros, it helps you to progress if you never fall you probably arnt pushing yourself. Good luck with the riding.

  9. It's never too late.. i started out when I  was 19. I'm 21 now and i am pretty good at it. You just gotta practice and practice and I'll guarantee that you'll get better then eventually you'll be riding the slopes better than you thought. Good Luck.

    p.s. I started out late for the same reason as you. My parents never brought me out to do them LOL. And i am a girl too =D

  10. Good for you, stick with it. I know it is really frustrating to learn but it is good that you a being patient. People learn at different speeds but i bet you will be cruising after a couple more days. You will continue to have random wipe outs as you begin going faster and trying new tricks so its important to learn how to take a fall. try to always fall back into the slope so you just slide (it is worse to faceplant than to tailbone plant!) and if you do fall forward just try to land on your shoulder and roll with it. remember that every pro snowboarder was at your level at some point! I started at twenty, your not to old to learn, it just hurts alot more to fall lol.

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