
Too late to start boxing again?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 19 ,5 ft 9 with a muscular build and weight 64kg . I've done a bit off boxing when I was about 16 and I was the most promising young member of my local gym from the few fights that I had, not being big headed or anything, I am or should I say, I was good... but then I stopped training and started well lets just say hanging around with druggies, but now I have my life back on track and wanted to start training for the London Olympics and maybe even turn pro someday.........

But my question is do you think their much chance of me ever making it in the Olympics never mind professional boxing? After only training for about 8 months in my life then having such a late last go at it?





  1. no its not too late. you will just have to work very hard and really commit yourself to this if this is what you want. that means working on it 5 or 6 days a week. as far as 8 months or any amount of set time... makes absolutely no sense at all. learning a skill like boxing doesn't come in months amount of times and neither does it come at the same rate for everyone b/c everyone learns slightly diferently. personally the fact you have to ask this tells me you don't really want it b/c if you did you would just go do it or at least ask some diferent kinda questions like where are boxing gyms and how do I get involved with the olympics. good luck with whatever you do but it doesn't sound like you have the desire

  2. follow your dreams buddy, nothing is out of reach, you just have to have the hunger.

  3. Your not too old, no where near in fact but my advise would be this.

    Get down the to a boxing gym start training on a regular basis for a couple of months then worry about where you wanna go with it. You need to be in the game first buddy before you start thinking about any prizes. You won't know how good you are till you try and the longer you leave it the less time you got.

    Good luck.  

  4. No way! I turned 30 in July and I'm getting back into the Boxing scene myself. I boxed for 5 years and then 3 more in the Army, got back into civilian life and forgot all about it. Yeah my age isn't prime anymore but yours is and you should go for it! Don't let anyone tell u you can't! I listened to many people already tell me I'll never make it back but I feel better than I have in 5 years, I've been training hard for 6 months and everything is coming back.  If I can do it at 30, you definitely can do it at 19! Best of Luck to you!!!

  5. It would be a bad idea if you try, because you never know what can happen,

    good luck

  6. No way you're too old.

    You're about the right age.

    Get fighting.

    With leaps in nutrition and training, human's prime is being extended well into their thirties and forties.

    However, Olympic Boxing is terrible.

  7. you never know until you try!

    i think why not!

    you remind me of a boy i knew at school same story! boxing... he was great... everyone talked about him! then out of no where he just changed started on the drugs! i saw him there other day and wondered where the star went! he could have been massive!

    you never know! you could be the guy im talking about!

    give it ago!

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