
Too lazy to indicate??

by Guest61515  |  earlier

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I have noticed more and more often now that people never use their indicators when they are driving. Roundabouts are particularly bad. I even saw a driving school car with a student the other day and an instrcutor next to him and he wasn't even indicating on a roundabout. Is it just me that has noticed this??.

If you are one of the people that do this....why do you do it??.




  1. I don't drive, and have noticed this a lot when crossing roads.  Even when I am waiting to cross a road with my children next to me, cars still don't indicate that they are turning the corner, very dangerous.

  2. I notice it to . I don't feel it is my place to be the indicate cop, I have my own issues to worry about

  3. Two factors beside laziness and not caring is smoking and cell phones.  Vast majority of smokers hold the cancer stick in their left hand to be near the window.  This prevents the driver from signaling.  Same is true when holding a cell phone with the left hand.  I observed a local police officer talking on a cell phone with left hand.  Thought to my self, if he changes lanes he will not be able to indicate.  Sure enough, not five seconds later, off he goes into another lane with no signals.  Idiot.  

    I let the signals flash two to three times before moving into the new lane.  Gives me time to make one more look in the mirrors and over my shoulder to see if I have missed anything or the situation has changes.  It has saved me a few times.

    I too wish to know why you drivers feel it is ok not to convey to all the other drivers around your intentions?  We are not mind readers.  I wish all of you get tickets for failing to signal.

  4. yeh, i'd like to know that too. its really annoying but more importantly, really dangerous. i started of just noticing the odd one but your right, recently more drivers aren't. maybe soon they'll bring in a fine/penalty for such people... :)

  5. Yes, it's very noticeable. Right pain on a local road where you are waiting to pull out and someone goes left and not indicating.

    The police are getting bad as well.

  6. A new national survey reveals

    that 57% of American drivers admit they don't use their turn signal when

    changing lanes, but what is most startling are the excuses drivers gave.

        According to Response Insurance, a national car insurer, 42% of those

    drivers say they don't have enough time, 23% admit they are just plain "lazy,"

    17% don't signal because when they do, they forget to turn it off, 12% admit

    they are changing lanes too frequently to bother, 11% say it is not important,

    8% say they don't signal because other drivers don't, and perhaps most

    disturbing 7% say forgoing the signal "adds excitement to driving."

        The Company identified several driver-types when it comes to ignoring turn

    signals - Impulsive, Lazy, Forgetful, Swervers, Ostriches, Followers, and the

    Dare Devils.

  7. I always indicate where I am going simply because if there was an accident, no one can say "I didn't know which way you were going"

  8. try being a truck driver whren you deal with it all day long, idiots who dont signal, pull out in front of you and are just a general pain in the ***

  9. yup this one bugs me as well.

  10. It is a lack of consideration for others.  My beef is with drivers on multi-lane roads who don't indicate when changing lanes.
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