
Too many Hydrogen fueled vehicles?

by Guest33464  |  earlier

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The only by-product of a hydrogen powered vehicle (fuel cell or combustion), is heat and water vapor.

But, what if you get a large concentration of Hydrogen vehicles (such as New York), all the heat and water vapor rises into the upper atmosphere creating cloudiness and rainstorms. Now say, these clouds go out to sea, the convection cycle builds these storms into hurricanes, and intensifies existing hurricanes. Besides all this, all the fresh water that is released over the ocean changes the salinity of the ocean, further progressing global warming.

Wouldn't that be possible?




  1. It would not be noticed in New York.  What I am concern with is out in the west.   We lack the water to produce Hydrogen , but also adding small amount of water in the desert climates would ahve a dramatic effect.   The amount of water that is created by cars has threatened teh Desert tortoise.  It has made the Mojave desert more livable and the crow population has multiplied and tehy are the biggest threat now to the Desert tortoise.

  2. LMFAO

    Ya gotta love these 'Chicken Little' types.

    No, dearest, a little steam isn't going to do anything to the environment. The earth's surface is about 70% water, and far more is evaporating naturally than the entire world's fleet of cars could generate if converted to run on hydrogen.

  3. possible?  no.

    --  keep in mind that today, cars produce water and CO2.  with the migration to hydrogen, we expect that cars will be lighter and more efficient, so that the amount of water is not likely to increase significantly.

    --  while the middle of new york is a dramatic example, there are many parts of the country, and globe, which ordinary evaporation far exceeds that which all the new york cars do, or ever will, produce.

  4. Global Warming is a scam . Gore's film was a lie. Check it out.

  5. Heat domes over cities are well documented and the attendent weather aggressions, proliferations and courses are now better understood. You sir , Imply a scenario based upon one attribute stacked upon another. You fail to impose  a scenario free of any proceeding circumstance. Imagine a gap that frees' the future from the past. A clean slate allows better insight and condemnnation of past decisions -weighed against new revelations.

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