
Too many charities?

by Guest58967  |  earlier

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Well I think I picked my charities. I want to donate $10 each, every month to: ASPCA...animal rescue, WWF, wildlife rescue(which helps polar bears), and a charity to stop the baby seal slauther in Canada. Do you think it's enough? I want to send money orders, but I was wondering if I should switch up the charities, or stick to the same ones month after months. What should I do?

Oh and also, I want to make sure that that money goes towards saving the animals, not in people's pockets.

And please don't tell me to donate somewhere else instead. My money, I will donate where I want...I just don't know if I should become a member of these charities or donate to different charities every month.




  1. I agree it is your money and you should donate where you want. So why did you post this question.?

  2. And it is amazing how many are charities in name only.  It is according to states laws but in some places charities only have to give 2% to the cause they are collecting for and CEOs of big charities have salaries in the 100's of thousands of dollars. I heard a song once that said there are too many do gooders and not enough doing good.  Pretty well fits.

  3. When it comes to donating to charities you just have to go with your heart..If you have any doubts about whatever then you shouldnt do it.. just make sure it's a non-profit.that way no money goes into anyones pocket.
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